Hi Rob,

> It looks to me like you have the Apple X11 files in /opt/X11, but not the 
> MacPorts X11 stuff in /opt/local.
Yes. I install the Apple X11 but not the MacPorts X11.

> So where do you have OpenMotif installed? Where does configure say it found 
> Motif?
I installed OpenMotif through fink. I think this is the cause of the error. The 
install location is /opt/sw. When I configure proof power, i use the following 
        PPHOME=/opt/pp-2.8.1p2 PPPOLYDBASE=/usr/local/lib/ PPMOTIFHOME=/opt/sw 
where the path openmotif has been specified. Otherwise, I would get a warning 
saying “WARNING: Motif installation not found “.


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