On 08/12/2014 12:13 am, "Peter Villeneuve" <peterv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I gather that since no one replied there currently isn't any module
available that can do this, which is kind of strange given that MUC is one
of the main reasons to setup an XMPP server anyway.
> If not available in Prosody, does anyone know of an alternate xmpp server
that has these fine grained controls? Anyone tried out metronome yet?
> Cheers,
> Peter
> On Thursday, November 27, 2014 4:56:15 PM UTC, Peter Villeneuve wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was wondering what modules are available that offer greater control
over which users can create rooms (right now it seems like an all or
nothing type of situation with mod_muc, with admins and local options
only), and also limit the number of participants in a room to a set number.
>> Basically I'm looking for more fine grained control over which users can
create rooms and limit the number of participants.
>> Are there any modules that do this?

I don't know much about the current state of prosody, but in trunk (latest
development branch) MUC has had a substantial rewrite.

It should make writing extra configuration options like you mentioned
extremely easy.

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