My last comment on ATS.. it was inevitable.  Protel bought Accel, a product
I  hated and previously labeled "Bitmapped Crayola".  Both PADS and Accel
marketed their products "a la carte    Accel was not complete unless you
purchased the forth  wheel as Dave White commented.   A forth wheel,
automatically remove loops which is free in Protel, was  a $4500.00 option.
Library management was another $4500.00 option.   So contraire to the 10K
advertised for Accel, you can easily spend $25K to make the 10 K program
work.  It also did not have an autorouter,  it was ported and marketed with
Spectra,  another 35- 55K.   So the real price of Accel is with a router is
50- 75K, comparable to PADs equipped with Spetra.   I have used all three
products and am a PADS licensed user.
This "a la carte" service and approach  did not work for either Accel/PCAD.
Aceel changed  their product went from a $5000 TANGO product trying to
compete with 50 K products.   My only reservations with ALTUIM is they know
who the big boys are and how they need to compete.  Compete means offering
better features at a lower price. When they change their marketing strategy
and Protel costs the same as  CADENCE, VERIBEST, ect  then I will bail. Its
a no brainer,   You cant charge  BOXER prices for a MIATA and expect me to
stay in my MIATA.  Everybody knows I look better in the Porche.

Mike Reagan

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