Re: [protest-ro] Re: GAZETA DE BUCURESTI: Asa a fost în lagãrul comunist! (I)

2006-01-27 Fir de Conversatie codruta
From: Mihai Jalobeanu [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Cam asa rezulta. Din moment ce pare ca doar in familia mea s-a auzit
 replica in cauza, e clar ca nu presedintele a spus-o, ci o fi fost o
 manevra dela vreo piatra falsa din fata blocului !

Asta ar insemna ca va suspectati familia de halucinatii colective - ceea ce
nu-i frumos... ;)...

N-am reusit sa-i raspund la timp lui Sorin - dar afirmatia lui Basescu a
aparut in presa, pe la inceputul anului - din pacate, o cautare acum dupa
numele lui Basescu ar da PREA multe rezultate, asa ca ar fi mai greu de
gasit ziarele respective ;)



Al. Cinematografului 2, bl. H3, sc. 2, ap. 27
810271 Braila, tel. 0740.026091

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[protest-ro] Fw: [ro-pol] Pazea la rasfoitul prin cyber-cioclopedii

2006-01-27 Fir de Conversatie Codruta N

[folositi-va de motoarele de cautare europene -- si aflati ca organili
euro-secu trimit Unchiului varianta indigo fara sa fie ceruta  pe de-a
moaca :-)]

January 25, 2006 (
After Subpoenas, Internet Searches Give Some Pause

Kathryn Hanson, a former telecommunications engineer who lives in
Oakland, Calif., was looking at BBC News online last week when she came
across an item about a British politician who had resigned over a
reported affair with a rent boy.

It was the first time Ms. Hanson had seen the term, so, in search of a
definition, she typed it into Google. As Ms. Hanson scrolled through
the results, she saw that several of the sites were available only to
people over 18. She suddenly had a frightening thought. Would Google
have to inform the government that she was looking for a rent boy - a
young male prostitute?

Ms. Hanson, 45, immediately told her boyfriend what she had done. I
told him I'd Googled 'rent boy,' just in case I got whisked off to some
Navy prison in the dead of night, she said.

Ms. Hanson's reaction arose from last week's reports that as part of
its effort to uphold an online pornography law, the Justice Department
had asked a federal judge to compel Google to turn over records on
millions of its users' search queries. Google is resisting the request,
but three of its competitors - Yahoo, MSN and America Online - have
turned over similar information.

The government and the cooperating companies say the search queries
cannot be traced to their source, and therefore no personal information
about users is being given up. But the government's move is one of
several recent episodes that have caused some people to think twice
about the information they type into a search engine, or the opinions
they express in an e-mail message.

  The government has been more aggressive recently in its
  efforts to obtain data on Internet activity, invoking the
  fight against terrorism and the prosecution of online
  crime. A surveillance program in which the National
  Security Agency intercepted certain international
  phone calls and e-mail in the United States without
  court-approved warrants prompted an outcry among
  civil libertarians. And under the antiterrorism USA
  Patriot Act, the Justice Department has demanded
  records on library patrons' Internet use.

Those actions have put some Internet users on edge, as they confront
the complications and contradictions of online life.

Jim Kowats,

   [hehe, Kovács]

34, a television producer who lives in Washington, has been growing
increasingly concerned about the government's data collection efforts.
I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I just feel like it's one step away
from ... what's the next step? Mr. Kowats said. The government's
going to start looking into all this other stuff.

Until last year, Mr. Kowats worked at the Discovery Channel, and a few
years ago, in the course of putting together a documentary on
circumcision, he and his colleagues were doing much of the research
online. When you're researching something like that and you look up
the word 'circumcision,' you're going to end up with all kinds of
pictures of naked children, he said. And that can be misconstrued.

There're so many things you can accidentally fall into when you're
surfing on the Internet, he said. I mean, you can type in almost
anything and you're going to end up with something you didn't expect.

Privacy is an elusive concept, and when it comes to what is considered
acceptable, people tend to draw the line at different points on the
privacy spectrum.

Ming-Wai Farrell, 25, who works for a legal industry trade association
in Washington, is one of those who draw the line somewhere in the
middle. They are willing to part with personal information as long as
they get something in return - the convenience of online banking, for
example, or useful information from a search engine - and as long as
they know what is to be done with the information.

Yet these same people are sometimes appalled when they learn of
wholesale data gathering. Ms. Farrell said she would not be able to
live without online banking, electronic bill paying or Google, but she
would consider revising her Web activity if she had to question every
search term, online donation or purchase.

It's scary to think that it may just be a matter of time before
Googling will invite an F.B.I. agent to tap your phone or interrogate
you, Ms. Farrell said.

Mike Winkleman, 27, a law student who lives in Miami and, like Ms.
Farrell, belongs to the generation of people who came of age with the
Internet, said he would like to think that the erosion of his privacy
was for a good cause, like national security or preventing child
porn, he said. But I can't help but feel that for each inch I give, a
mile will be taken.

But Josh Cohen, a financial adviser in Chicago, identifies more closely
with a subset of Internet users who see the loss of at least some
privacy as 

[protest-ro] RMGC

2006-01-27 Fir de Conversatie Alexandru Toniuc
Ia uite Codruta cit a investit compania ca sa-si scoata petele de pe obraz

Vicepresedintele Richard Young recunoaste problemele de imagine ale companiei 
  RMGC a cheltuit 500.000 de euro pe noua campanie de repozitionare publica 
 Vineri 27 Ianuarie 2006 

  Noua conducere a Companiei Rosia Montana Gold Corporation (RMGC) a 
organizat, miercuri, prima prezentare, de la preluarea mandatului, a 
proiectului de exploatare a aurului si argintului de la Rosia Montana, comuna 
situata in Muntii Apuseni, judetul Alba. Potrivit reprezentantilor firmei, noua 
campanie de imagine, initiata in toamna de noua conducere a societatii, a 
costat pana acum aproximativ 500.000 de euro, buget care a fost impartit de 
doua agentii de publicitate. De asemenea, ca element de noutate, firma va fi 
obligata sa organizeze dezbateri publice pe tema proiectului si in Ungaria.
  Vicepresedintele Rosia Montana Gold Corporation, Richard Young, a 
recunoscut ca societatea pe care o conduce are o problema de imagine, drept 
pentru care conducerea a decis sa investeasca sute de mii de euro intr-o 
campanie de imagine. Mai precis, ar fi vorba, potrivit sursei citate, de 
500.000 de euro, care au fost cheltuiti din toamna anului trecut, de la 
inceperea noii campanii de repozitionare publica a RMGC.
  Young a spus ca banii sunt gestionati de doua agentii: GMP Ashley si Spoon 
Media si au fost destinati platii spoturilor de televiziune si a printurilor 
din presa scrisa. El a adaugat, insa, ca finantarea unei campanii de imagine 
este necesara pentru informarea corecta a publicului. Este primul proiect la 
care se foloseste aceasta metoda. Am fi preferat sa cheltuim acesti bani aici, 
la Rosia Montana, a afirmat Young.
  De mentionat ca GMP a mai lucrat, de-a lungul timpului, printre altii, 
pentru Bucovina Mineral Water (firma ce isi leaga numele de cel al lui Omar 
Hayssam) si pentru Partidul Democrat, respectiv pentru Traian Basescu.
  Campania de rebrandare a RMGC nu i-a convins, se pare, pe opozantii 
proiectului. Cu atat mai putin pe localnicii grupati in jurul Asociatiei 
Alburnus Maior, decisi sa nu plece din sat. Astfel, asa cum pe cladirile 
achizitionate de companie poate fi observata o inscriptie ce arata ca 
respectiva casa apartine societatii, tot asa pot fi observate si placute pe 
care scrie aceasta casa nu e de vanzare.
  Comuna Rosia Montana are 16 sate, patru dintre acestea, inclusiv satul Rosia 
Montana, urmand a fi afectate de proiect, aflandu-se in zona de impact. 
Oficialii companiei sustin ca au achizitionat pana acum 42 la suta din 
locuinte. Compania ofera in schimb un program complex de dezvoltare comunitara 
si un nou sat construit cu ajutorul unor arhitecti din Colorado.

  Dezbateri publice in Ungaria

  RMGC va organiza dezbateri publice referitoare la proiect si in Ungaria, 
tara care si-a exprimat dorinta de a se constitui ca parte in evaluarea 
studiului de impact. Potrivit Acordului de la Espo, dupa depunerea, in 
decembrie 2004, a memoriului tehnic de prezentare a proiectului ce vizeaza 
exploatarea zacamantului auro-argintifer de la Rosia Montana, Ministerul 
Mediului si Gospodaririi Apelor a fost obligat sa notifice ministerele de 
resort din tarile situate in bazinul hidrografic inferior al Dunarii. Singurul 
care a raspuns a fost Ministerul Mediului din Ungaria, institutie care a 
solicitat constituirea sa ca parte in evaluarea studiului de impact.
  Coordonatorul de mediu al companiei, Horea Avram, a declarat ca RMGC va fi 
obligata sa organizeze o etapa de consultare publica si in Ungaria. In prezent, 
o echipa de specialisti romani si europeni lucreaza la elaborarea studiului de 
impact, de aproximativ 3.000 de pagini.
  Potrivit coordonatorului de comunicare al companiei, Catalin Hosu, studiul de 
impact va fi depus la Ministerul Mediului si Gospodaririi Apelor in luna martie 
a acestui an. 

  Un articol de Ovidiu Hategan

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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