[protest-ro] un pamflet excelent

2011-01-26 Fir de Conversatie DCT Yahoo
La a 93-a aniversara a tovarasului Nicolae Ceausescu / Post mortem . Corneliu Vadim Tudor ADIO, CHIORULE! O poezie savuroasa scrisa de Vadim Tovarase Ceausescu Fa-i chemare lui Basescu Pîn' la toamna s-o mierleasca Sa nu se mai chinuiasca.

[protest-ro] The United States of Shame

2011-01-26 Fir de Conversatie Arhitectura
The United States of Shame (CHART) Whether it's a fat population, high rate of STDs or excessive tax rate, it turns out that every state ranks dead last in at least one unsavory category. http://pleated-jeans.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/The-United-States-of-Shame.png