[protest-ro] Fwd: [Rosia Montana] Fwd: distrus cu buldozerul cel mai important complex monahal paleocrestin din nordul Dobrogei

2007-02-07 Fir de Conversatie Petru K
Pe ce pariem ca MCC nu va avea singe ** sa se atinga macar de vreun firisor de par al minunatului "investitor"? ;-) Cu stima, Peter Eugen Melinte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: relativ off-topic ref. daca n-ar fi vorbade atitudini >http://www.gardianul.ro/2007/02/07/eveniment-

[protest-ro] Why the Democrats Won't Save Us. Clinton, Edwards and Obama: Strike Iran (by Joshua Frank)

2007-02-07 Fir de Conversatie Radu Iliescu
Over the past weekend Hillary Clinton pledged to end the war in Iraq if she is elected. "If we in Congress don't end this war before January 2009, as president, I will," she told a large crowd at the Democratic National Committee's winter convention in Washington. It was the first time since an