[protest-ro] Emisiunile de libera exprimare sunt tot mai putine dincolo de Prut

2007-02-11 Fir de Conversatie gh.brega
Comunicat de presa Asociatia Hyde Park se declara ingrijorata de suprimarea unor emisiuni radiofonice de libera exprimare si cere restabilirea lor in numele interesului ascultatorilor. Recent, in urma privatizarii postului de radio municipal, Antena C, a suferit schimbari dramati

[protest-ro] From Afghanistan to Iraq: Connecting the Dots with Oil (by Richard W. Behan)

2007-02-11 Fir de Conversatie Radu Iliescu
In the Caspian Basin and beneath the deserts of Iraq, as many as 783 billion barrels of oil are waiting to be pumped. Anyone controlling that much oil stands a good chance of breaking OPEC's stranglehold overnight, and any nation seeking to dominate the world would have to go after it. The long

[protest-ro] File - reminder protest-ro.txt

2007-02-11 Fir de Conversatie protest-ro
CITEVA LUCRURI PRIVIND NETIQUETTE PE E-MAIL > Sugestii privind stilul de folosire a listei de discutii Protest - ro : 1. Unii dintre abonatii listei folosesc clienti de posta electronica in mod text. Mesajele trimise in format HTML si/sau care nu au rindurile taiate (wrap) la cc