[protest-ro] Fascismul american, Controlul mass-media

2005-02-23 Fir de Conversatie cbjola

Yesssss! Nou articol beton in presa independenta americana despre
incercarile fasciste ale Administratiei Bush de a controla mass-media 

Press Impostor

At the White House, don't duck the real questions

February 23, 2005

How is it that an administration that screened thousands of people for
attendance at Bush campaign rallies repeatedly let a fake reporter
into the sanctorum of the White House pressroom under a false name?
Who was running that background check? How could a president who
declares that national security is his prime concern be so ill served
for nearly two years by his own security detail?

What is the public to make of the fact that legitimate protesters are
kept far away from President George W. Bush while an illegitimate
"journalist" who's really working for a Republican propaganda mill is
repeatedly allowed into the White House pressroom and regularly called
upon by the president and the president's press secretary to ask

Is it possible that the administration's formidable public relations
machine was well aware that reporter "Jeff Gannon" of the Talon News
Web site was really James Guckert, and that Talon and the Web site
GOPUSA have the same owner and often the same pro-Republican content?

Is it possible that an administration that is so careful about
scripting events and managing information approved of Guckert being
planted in the pressroom to ask softball questions and even to keep an
eye on the real reporters working there? Isn't that fair to ask,
considering this is the same administration that used its
taxpayer-funded, $250-million public relations apparatus to pay
columnists to say nice things about its programs?

Once Guckert was exposed, shouldn't the administration, for the sake
of security and integrity, have run identity checks on the other
members of the White House press corps? Are there any pseudo-reporters
planted there from Democratic organizations to ask hard questions?

Based on the Guckert case, can any self-styled journalist from an
obscure Web site or blog expect to obtain a daily pass to attend White
House press briefings? Given the proliferation of same, is the White
House prepared for a stampede of applications? Will all identities be
verified? Will reporters from GOP-friendly media receive preferred

Is anyone in the Bush administration asking these questions? Or
interested in answering them?

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Re: [protest-ro] Fascismul american, Controlul mass-media

2005-02-23 Fir de Conversatie valachus per skorilo

Bjola, nu esti doar deranjat la cap, esti si tzaran prost! Ori nu stii
engleza suficient de bine, ori ai impresia ca restul lumii nu cunoashte
limba asta cat sa-si dea seama ca batzi campii! Si, prapaditule, chiar nu
te-ai abtinut sa nu cenzurezi doua paragrafe din articol (articol si asa la
limita paranoiei), nu se simtzea bine bolsevicul din tine daca nu ajusta
nitzel realitatea la convingerile lui ideologice!

Deci pe scurt, faptul ca DHS angajeaza temporar reporteri someri pentru un
exercitiu de PR si comunicare DE UZ INTERN e o forma de fascism? Somerii
n-au voie sa se mai angajeze, in conceptia ta? Ar trebui eliminati fizic sau
bagati la puscarie cum facea statul comunist roman, pentru parazitism
social? Eu zic c-ar trebui sa faci reclamatie la farmacie, iar ti-au vandut
aia calmante expirate!

> The posting, which has since been taken off the site, sought
> applicants who can write copy for an online news service "reporting
> events within the exercise for an audience of exercise participants."

> "You must NOT be currently employed by a real news organization and
> will be required to sign a nondisclosure agreement barring you from
> writing about this in the future," the job posting stated.

>The reporters will be expected to start "around March 14." The job would
last for three to four weeks. Journalists will  >receive "competitive pay
rates," according to the job ad.

Si paragrafele taiate la cenzura (tot nu-mi vine sa cred cat de imbecil poti
sa fii):

"Defense reporters, for example, often observe war games with the
understanding they won't write about them afterward to develop sources or
better understand their beat."

"The firm Ogilvy Public Relations is helping DHS hire the reporters. Zachary
Twigg of Ogilvy said the posting was taken off the site because a number of
applicants responded."


Mai incearca din nou sa dezinformezi public, ti-am zic ca rad de ma
prapadesc cand te dai in vileag ca un mascarici bolsevic ce esti!

- Original Message -
From: cbjola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 5:49 PM
Subject: [protest-ro] Fascismul american, Controlul mass-media

> O noua fila in incercarile fasciste ale Administratiei Bush a a
> control mass-media: acum angajeaza jurnalisti care "sa stie sa taca"
> pt propaganda.

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[protest-ro] Fascismul american, Controlul mass-media

2005-02-23 Fir de Conversatie cbjola

O noua fila in incercarile fasciste ale Administratiei Bush a a
control mass-media: acum angajeaza jurnalisti care "sa stie sa taca" 
pt propaganda. 

Wanted: Journalists who can keep quiet
The Hill

The Bush administration is hiring more reporters. Only this time, it
wants them to keep quiet.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) last week placed a
help-wanted listing on journalismjobs.com, an employment website. 

After the furor over federal payments to conservative commentator
Armstrong Williams, the administration is emphasizing that its new
journalism job is different.

The posting, which has since been taken off the site, sought
applicants who can write copy for an online news service "reporting
events within the exercise for an audience of exercise participants."

The ad follows the disclosure that two other federal agencies had
hired conservative commentators Armstrong Williams and Maggie
Gallagher to back administration proposals. Those contracts brought
rebukes from media ethicists who said they blurred the line between
journalism and propaganda.

"You must NOT be currently employed by a real news organization and
will be required to sign a nondisclosure agreement barring you from
writing about this in the future," the job posting stated.

"We want them to act like reporters and to push the story forward,"
Short said. The exercise would help public-relations officials better
respond to any real terrorist attack, he said.

In January, USA Today reported that the Education Department paid
conservative commentator Armstrong Williams $240,000 to promote
President Bush's "No Child Left Behind" education program. Tribune
Media Services dropped distribution of Williams's weekly column in

Subsequently, it was discovered that the Department of Health and
Human Services paid Gallagher, a syndicated columnist, $21,500 to help
develop materials related to the president's marriage initiative.

Bush later said that federal agencies should not employ journalists to
advocate his administration's policies.

Tom Rosenstiel, who directs the Project for Excellence in Journalism,
a Pew-funded group that helps critiques media coverage, said that it
isn't unusual for journalists to interact, on a voluntary basis, with
the entities they cover.

But paying reporters is trickier territory because it raises potential
future conflicts even if the reporter doesn't now cover the
governmental entity writing the check, Rosenstiel said.

"There is a whole industry called public relations staffed with people
who used to be journalists" who could do the work, he said.

The reporters will be expected to start "around March 14." The job
would last for three to four weeks. Journalists will receive
"competitive pay rates," according to the job ad.

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Re: [protest-ro] Fascismul american: controlul mass-media

2005-02-20 Fir de Conversatie valachus per skorilo

Bjola, nu ma pot abtine sa nu rad cand citesc ce nazdravanii iti mai elimina
telectul, si sari de la una la alta ca prostituatele la batranetze din pat
in pat. Acum o luna parca Bush furase (a doua oara, adica - LOL) alegerile.
Acuma, daca recurgeti la impeachment nu inseamna implicit ca achiesati la
rezultatul scrutinului? Si care e problema ta daca unii sau altii mananca in
USA rahat? Esti contribuabil american, tzarane, sa vociferezi ca atunci cand
chiar ai acest drept? Si cand mananci rahat leftist, mananci pe bani
publici, din bani privatzi sau o faci ca si altzii pe gratis, din pasiune?
Ce-i amuzant acuma ca finalmente puteti si voi, scotocind site-urile cu
curve masculine, ca puteti imbini utilul (calomnia si delirul politic cu
program) cu placutul (mai vezi si tu o buca fina, o chestie acolo).

Hai diazepam!


- Original Message -
From: cbjola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2005 6:27 PM
Subject: [protest-ro] Fascismul american: controlul mass-media

> Scandalul despre legaturile dintre Casa Alba si un male prostitute
> (tariful respectivului era de $200 pe ora si $1200 pe week-end; ia
> vedeti Schiau si Valachus ca stiu ca va curg balele dupa asa ceva)
> sunt acum peste tot in mainstream media.
> Treaba creste ca un bulgare de zapada de la zi la zi. De ce? Pt ca
> GannonGate reprezinta inca un element din operatiunea de natura
> fascista prin care Bush a incercat sa puna mass-media cu botul pe
> labe. Mai exact exista dovezi clare acum ca oamenii lui au platit cel
> putin 5 jurnalisti cu sume intre $20.000 si $240.000 DIN BANI PUBLICI
> (adica ai lui US tax-payer) ca sa manance rahat!
> Ce fel de rahat? Ca cel mancat pe lista asta de Schiau-nazistu' si
> Valachus-rasistus-libidinosus sau Bouleanu turnatoru'-securist:

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Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 265.8.8 - Release Date: 14.02.2005

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[protest-ro] Fascismul american: controlul mass-media

2005-02-20 Fir de Conversatie cbjola

Scandalul despre legaturile dintre Casa Alba si un male prostitute
(tariful respectivului era de $200 pe ora si $1200 pe week-end; ia
vedeti Schiau si Valachus ca stiu ca va curg balele dupa asa ceva)
sunt acum peste tot in mainstream media.

Treaba creste ca un bulgare de zapada de la zi la zi. De ce? Pt ca
GannonGate reprezinta inca un element din operatiunea de natura
fascista prin care Bush a incercat sa puna mass-media cu botul pe
labe. Mai exact exista dovezi clare acum ca oamenii lui au platit cel
putin 5 jurnalisti cu sume intre $20.000 si $240.000 DIN BANI PUBLICI
(adica ai lui US tax-payer) ca sa manance rahat! 

Ce fel de rahat? Ca cel mancat pe lista asta de Schiau-nazistu' si
Valachus-rasistus-libidinosus sau Bouleanu turnatoru'-securist: ca
"razboiul e sfant ca soarele de pe cer", ca cei care il critica pe
Bush sunt "tradatori", ca ONU e de vina pt coruptia
scandaloasa in care sunt amestecati amici de-ai lui Bush si jdemii de
firme americane in Iraq (9 miliarde de dolari disparuti pana acum fara
acte in Iraq in juma de an!!!) si alte tampenii. Deosebirea e ca cei
trei cavaleri ai Apocalipsei Fasciste (Schiau, Bouleanu', valachus)
mananca rahat pe lista pe de-a moaca. Asa sunt ei prosti. Nu trebuie
sa-i platesti, ci doar sa le vanturi pe la nas cateva cuvinte cheie si
gata logoreea.

Altii insa sunt mai smecheri. Repet, cel putin 5 jurnalisti americani
au descoperiti pana acum cum ca au fost platiti cu bani PUBLICI
(adica ai lui US tax-payer) de Bush ca sa manance rahat. Gannon, male
prostitute cu pricina, e a 6 "cartita" din retea si
numaratoarea abia a inceput. Toate firele duc la Karl Rove, mana
dreapta a lui Bush. Un lucru e sigur: daca Rove pica, va pica si Bush,
adica va mirosi a impeachment cat casa!  

Detalii despre incercarile fasciste ale Administratiei Bush de a
controla media americana vezi mai jos:

The mole, the US media and a White House coup

Sunday February 20, 2005
The Observer

For two years Jeff Gannon cut an unobtrusive figure at White House
press conferences. The shaven-headed, craggily handsome man worked for
an obscure news agency called Talon News, known for its conservative
sympathies. He was often the subject of jokes by colleagues on
weightier news organisations.

No one is laughing now, because Gannon was far from being a harmless
distraction. He was writing under a false name and working for a
Republican front organisation. Suddenly, his 'softball' questions to
White House officials looked less like eccentricities and more like
plotting by an administration which has frequently displayed a dark
mastery of the arts of press control.

When it emerged that Gannon was also linked to gay prostitution
websites and might be a gay prostitute himself, the scandal as to how
he was allowed daily access to the White House grew even murkier. The
American media is now being forced to confront the possibility that
Gannon, whose real name is James Guckert, was simply a Republican
plant, used by officials, including President George W Bush, to ask
easy questions in difficult press conferences. 'The idea of having a
mole in the White House press corp is amazing, but that's what it
looks like,' said Jack Lule, a journalism professor at Lehigh

But the Gannon affair, which has shocked much of America's political
establishment, is just the latest scandal in the media establishment.
Newspapers including the New York Times and USA Today have been hit by
plagiarism and forgery scandals. Other papers and television stations
have been consumed with a soul-searching inquest into how they were
misled about non-existent Iraqi weapons programmes. Added to that is
growing evidence of a White House campaign to bypass or control the
media in its everyday presentation of government policy , which
included paying one journalist hundreds of thousands of dollars to
promote its policies.

Last week a federal watchdog warned the Bush administration that any
video news releases must state that the government is the source.
Twice in two years, government departments have been accused of
distributing fake news packages, using actors as journalists.

On the internet, the mainstream media is derided and scorned. One
question is dominating US newsrooms and television studios: ignored,
scandalised and now corrupted, just what is America's mainstream media
for anymore?

The extent of the Bush White House's command and control of the press
corps is often revealed in the seemingly innocuous White House pool
reports. These are dispatches dutifully filed by a correspondent
assigned to travel with Bush and contain little but lists of endless
meetings, meals eaten and clothes worn. But no detail is too small to
be ignored by Bush's ever-watchful press handlers. One report, on 13
August 2004, contained a remark from Bush that it was a 'good
question' as to who to support if Iraq's soccer team played the United
States in the Olympics. Officials scurried to 'correct' it. 'To clear
up any possible misc

[protest-ro] Fascismul american din perspectiva conservatoare...

2005-02-10 Fir de Conversatie cbjola

Y...sss! Conservatorii incep sa recunoasca incet-incet ceea ce era
vizibil de 4 ani. Ca fascismul american a luat amploare! Atentie: Nu
Michael Moore il compara pe Bush cu Hitler, ci oamenii lui Bush insusi
au inceput sa traga semnalul de alarma. Articolul a fost publicat
intr-una din cele mai prestigioase reviste ale dreptei americane, the
American Conservative. 

Asa ca apelul meu pt sleahta de pupicuristi ai lui Bush (Schiau-
Jigodia Nazista, Bouleanu' turnatoru' securist, Valachus per Rasistus
Libidinosus) e simplu: cumparati-va repede 100 suluri de hartie
igienica si stergeti-va vartos la gura dupa fiecare mesaj postat pe

February 14, 2005 Issue
Copyright © 2005 The American Conservative

Hunger for Dictatorship: War to export democracy may wreck our own.
by Scott McConnell

Students of history inevitably think in terms of periods: the New
Deal, McCarthyism, "the Sixties" (1964-1973), the NEP, the
trials—all have their dates. Weimar, whose cultural excesses made
effective propaganda for the Nazis, now seems like the antechamber to
Nazism, though surely no Weimar figures perceived their time that way
as they were living it. We may pretend to know what lies ahead,
feigning certainty to score polemical points, but we never do.

Nonetheless, there are foreshadowings well worth noting. The last
weeks of 2004 saw several explicit warnings from the antiwar Right
about the coming of an American fascism. Paul Craig Roberts in these
pages wrote of the "brownshirting" of American
conservatism—a word
that might not have surprised had it come from Michael Moore or
Michael Lerner. But from a Hoover Institution senior fellow, former
assistant secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration, and
one-time Wall Street Journal editor, it was striking.

Several weeks later, Justin Raimondo, editor of the popular
Antiwar.com website, wrote a column headlined, "Today's
are Fascists." Pointing to the justification of torture by
conservative legal theorists, widespread support for a militaristic
foreign policy, and a retrospective backing of Japanese internment
during World War II, Raimondo raised the prospect of "fascism
with a
democratic face." His fellow libertarian, Mises Institute
Lew Rockwell, wrote a year-end piece called "The Reality of Red
Fascism," which claimed that "the most significant
shift in our time has gone almost completely unremarked, and even
unnoticed. It is the dramatic shift of the red-state bourgeoisie from
leave-us-alone libertarianism, manifested in the Congressional
elections of 1994, to almost totalitarian statist nationalism. Whereas
the conservative middle class once cheered the circumscribing of the
federal government, it now celebrates power and adores the central
state, particularly its military wing."

I would argue that Rockwell—who makes the most systematic
argument of
the three—overstates the libertarian component of the 1994
victory, which could just as readily be credited to heartland
rejection of the '60s cultural liberalism that came into office
the Clintons. And it is difficult to imagine any scenario, after 9/11,
that would not lead to some expansion of federal power. The United
States was suddenly at war, mobilizing to strike at a Taliban
government on the other side of the world. The emergence of terrorism
as the central security issue had to lead, at the very least, to
increased domestic surveillance—of Muslim immigrants especially.
is the health of the state, as the libertarians helpfully remind us,
but it doesn't mean that war leads to fascism.

But Rockwell (and Roberts and Raimondo) is correct in drawing
attention to a mood among some conservatives that is at least latently
fascist. Rockwell describes a populist Right website that originally
rallied for the impeachment of Bill Clinton as "hate-filled ...
advocating nuclear holocaust and mass bloodshed for more than a year
now." One of the biggest right-wing talk-radio hosts regularly
for the mass destruction of Arab cities. Letters that come to this
magazine from the pro-war Right leave no doubt that their writers
would welcome the jailing of dissidents. And of course it's not
us. When USA Today founder Al Neuharth wrote a column suggesting that
American troops be brought home sooner rather than later, he was blown
away by letters comparing him to Tokyo Rose and demanding that he be
tried as a traitor. That mood, Rockwell notes, dwarfs anything that
existed during the Cold War. "It celebrates the shedding of
blood, and
exhibits a maniacal love of the state. The new ideology of the
red-state bourgeoisie seems to actually believe that the US is God
marching on earth—not just godlike, but really serving as a proxy
God himself."

The warnings from these three writers would have been significant even
if they had not been complemented by what for me was the most striking

Re: [protest-ro] Fascismul American?

2005-02-02 Fir de Conversatie valachus per skorilo

Ai iesit din sevraj doar cat sa mai faci copy-paste la delirul altui camarad
de-al tau? Ma asteptam totusi sa ai curaj sa raspunzi la intrebarea cu
"scuturile umane", dar deh, drogurile ieftine fac ravagii maxime.
Condoleantze, pe tema asta, o sa-ti simtim lipsa cand o sa te faci varza
complet, eu unul m-am amuzat la maxim de bazaconiile pe care le emiteai!
Oricum, pana atunci, pot sa-ti sugerez ca posibila terapie paliativa sa faci
si tu ca pretenii tai "insurgentii" din Irak, sa-ti descarci nervii cu
papushele de plastic: cu niste figurine cu Bush, Rice si Rumsfeld ai putea
sa te joci de-a procesul de la Nurnberg sau de-a confesiunile date la NKVD
saptamani de-a randul!

- Original Message -
From: cbjola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 2:07 AM
Subject: [protest-ro] Fascismul American?

> Domnu' Schiau: ia saliveaza un pic peste articolul asta! Este sau nu
> adevarat ca Bush-Impostorul reprezinta fatza fascismului american?
> Stiu... chestia asta nu te face decat sa juisezi! Vestea proasta pt
> tine e ca nu aveti nici o sansa! America adevarata incepe incet-incet
> sa se trezeasca din cosmarul asta odios si va ia deja vartos la palme
> si scuipati.

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Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 265.8.4 - Release Date: 01.02.2005

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[protest-ro] Fascismul American?

2005-02-02 Fir de Conversatie cbjola

Domnu' Schiau: ia saliveaza un pic peste articolul asta! Este sau nu
adevarat ca Bush-Impostorul reprezinta fatza fascismului american?
Stiu... chestia asta nu te face decat sa juisezi! Vestea proasta pt
tine e ca nu aveti nici o sansa! America adevarata incepe incet-incet
sa se trezeasca din cosmarul asta odios si va ia deja vartos la palme
si scuipati.

American Nascent Fascism: Are We in Stage One?

As we ponder the realities of the recent election and attempt to make
sense of all the implications of the results, one can't help but
wonder about the true goals and objectives of those who drive the Bush
Administration's agenda.  Candidly, I'm worried and have been
struggling with trying to reconcile everything that has happened.  
I'd like to offer the following for   consideration as I believe we've
reached a point in our political evolution, both as a nation and as an
international neighbor, that demands real clinical scrutiny.

My gut tells me that the country I carried in my heart (thank you,
Bruce) no longer exists, that the core founding ideals no longer
resonate for a large percentage of our population.  That so many
people can overlook a bungled war effort, a tanking economy, and a
health care crisis of supernova proportions in order to cast a vote
based on religious and wholly emotional values is staggering.  
Clearly the neoconservative Republicans are at the top of their game.
  Their skillful and successful use of Orwellian language, lies, and
smear techniques indicate that we have seen only the beginning of what
they have in store.

That said, Robert O. Paxton, Mellon Professor of Social Sciences
emeritus at Columbia, has written extensively about fascism in ways
that reclaim the term from the hyperbolic misuse we've come to know,
ridicule, and reject.  On careful examination, however, and with a
more scholarly definition in mind, there may be cause for concern as
we move forward as a nation.

First, yes, the days of raging Nazi stridence and Wagnerian theatrics
are relics of the past.  We're too smart for that particular brand as
the lessons of Orwell and Hitler are firmly implanted in the
contemporary democratic consciousness.  But because we have these
outsized examples as reference points, incipient fascism is not
terribly easy to diagnose as each society has constantly shifting
values, paradigms, and emotions.  Since movements, by their nature,
have a somewhat discreet quality with each exhibiting its own
particular identity, it is helpful to look at Paxton's "mobilizing
passions," which identify in broadest terms the foundational appeals
found in nascent fascism:

   1. The primacy of the group, toward which one has duties superior
to every right, whether universal or individual.
   2. The belief that one's group is a victim, a sentiment which
justifies any action against the group's enemies, internal as well as
   3. Dread of the group's decadence under the corrosive effect of
individualistic and cosmopolitan liberalism.
   4. Closer integration of the community within a brotherhood
(fascio) whose unity and purity are forged by common conviction, if
possible, or by exclusionary violence if necessary.
   5. An enhanced sense of identity and belonging, in which the
grandeur of the group reinforces individual self-esteem.
   6. Authority of natural leaders (always male) throughout society,
culminating in a national chieftain who alone is capable of
incarnating the group's destiny.
   7. The beauty of violence and of will, when they are devoted to the
group's success in a Darwinian struggle.

"The Five Stages of Fascism,"The Journal of Modern History, March 1998

Even the most cursory reading of these points should sound an alarm
bell in anyone paying close attention to our own political and social
climate.  Indeed, Paxton continues: ...each national variant of
fascism draws its legitimacy, as we shall see, not from some universal
scripture but from what it considers the most authentic elements of
its own community identity. Religion, for example, would certainly
play a much larger role in an authentic fascism in the United States
than in the first European fascisms

The larger question, of course, is whether fascism is possible in
contemporary America?   Paxton offers this rather cautionary

Fascism can appear wherever democracy is sufficiently implanted to
have aroused disillusion. That suggests its spatial and temporal
limits: no authentic fascism before the emergence of a massively
enfranchised and politically active citizenry. In order to give birth
to fascism, a society must have known political liberty -- for better
or for worse.

Social scientists point historically to the KKK as the quintessential
fascist movement in the U.S. (one that Hitler admired tremendously),
but, fortunately, there seems to be little resemblance between the
Klan and our currently political climate.   Still, though, when we
consider the foundational elements listed above, we sh