I used the TeX Collection DVD from Sept 2008. I deleted MiKTeX from my
laptop machine (loaded from the ProTeXt CD several years ago), because the
pdf-based instructions for installing MikTeX from the TeX collection DVD
tell me to do so.  And I am installing the complete MikTeX.  However, it
already has shown four failure messages:
   MiKTeX207-core.dll does not exist
                   -core-PS.dll does not exist
                   -packagemanager-PD.dll does not exist
                   -packagemanager.dll does not exist
I will let the install run to completion, but I'm betting the above are
enough to have it not work, and I'll have to uninstall this and reinstall
the version for any early TeX Collection set of CDs.  When I google on the
error messages, I find the following, but this isn't very helpful:
I tried looking at the MikTeX forum archive but couldn't figure out how to
seach the archive.  Any suggestions you have will be appreciated.

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