> Small remark:
> Global objects seem to get out of fashion: They have a negative impact on
> compile times and binary size.
> instead of using phoenix::function on global (namespace) scope, you could use
> the newly introduced macros to define equivalent free functions.
> For example, instead of this:
>    boost::phoenix::function<process_play_impl> process_play;
> you could just have:
>    BOOST_PHOENIX_ADAPT_CALLABLE(process_play, process_play_impl, 1)
> For documentation see:
> https://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/trunk/libs/phoenix/doc/html/phoenix/modules/function/adapting_functions.html

Oh yes I missed that one. I tried and it works, so I keep it :)

>> I'm very tempted to release with 1.47 so that Michael or whoever is
>> interested would have a chance to try it out and tell me what he'd
>> like to see there first, without having to get a branch. Plus it would
>> be one more use case of phoenix.
>> Preconditions:
>> - phoenix is really out at 1.47
> It is merged to release. So there is nothing that holds it back now ;)

Ok then it seems pretty risk-free. Let's ship it.
I'll merge it into trunk, then into release in the next days.

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