Re: [proto] Manipulating an expression tree

2011-05-01 Thread Eric Niebler
On 4/15/2011 10:45 PM, Karsten Ahnert wrote:
 @All: Are somewhere more examples and docs for proto transforms. They
 are quite complicated and maybe a bit underrepresented in the official
 users guide.

(Funny, I *know* I replied to this, but I don't see it in the archive.
Sorry if y'all get this twice.)

Have you read the Expressive C++ article series on C++Next? It covers
grammars and transforms step-by-step. Here's the first one in the series:


Eric Niebler
BoostPro Computing
proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Manipulating an expression tree

2011-04-10 Thread Karsten Ahnert
On 04/08/2011 02:16 PM, Bart Janssens wrote:
 On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 2:11 PM, Karsten Ahnert wrote:
 Thank you for your example. I have one question: how do you use (or assign
 something to) the intermediate values in StoredMatrixExpression?
 Once the wrapping is done, every wrapped node (multiplies expressions
 in your case) will have the value member. This can be used from
 within any primitive transform or context, if you are working on the
 expression after it is transformed by WrapExpression. So instead of
 eval(your_expr) you would do something like
 eval(WrapExpression()(your_expr)) and then you can assume value exists
 when it is needed.

Ok, I think I understand how you replace the nodes, but I don't
understand how you parse the tree and how you access the value member.
Do you use contexts and eval()? Could you please show a small piece of
code? Thanks,


Dr. Karsten Ahnert
Ambrosys GmbH - Gesellschaft für Management komplexer Systeme
Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 63a
D-14471 Potsdam

Tel: +4917682001688
Fax: +493319791300

Ambrosys GmbH - Gesellschaft für Management komplexer Systems
Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 63a, 14471 Potsdam
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Potsdam, HRB 21228 P
Geschäftsführer: Dr. Karsten Ahnert, Dr. Markus Abel
proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Manipulating an expression tree

2011-04-08 Thread Karsten Ahnert
 If you need to compute intermediate values, you can use a transform to
 build a parallel structure.

 Do you mean to build an entire new tree, or just to replace some nodes?

 If only some nodes have associated intermediate result, then you could
 just replace some nodes.

Ok, this is a clear hint.

 In my current algorithm I use callable contexts to do the work. I think
 this is more favorable since I have to evaluate the tree N times to
 the result.

 Why does that matter? Transforms are almost always a better choice.

 I think it would be nice to replace some nodes and customizing
 the evaluation context, such that these nodes can be used to store the

 If you're doing calculation *and* tree transformation, then drop the
 callable contexts. They can't do the job.

First I do tree transformation and then calculation. A Callable context
will not do the job, since one only gets the tag of the current node, but
not the node itself. So I have to implement my own context.

I am not sure if transforms can do that job. It is definitely not possible
to obtain the full tree for 10th derivative. Maybe some other tricks are
possible with transforms. At the moment I don't understand them in detail,
but I will try to change this. Thanks for your advice.

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Manipulating an expression tree

2011-04-08 Thread Bart Janssens
On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 12:45 AM, Karsten Ahnert wrote:
 Another question is: can a node have a state. In my algorithm it would
 be nice, if every proto::multiplies  node stores some intermediate
 values which are used during later evaluations of the tree.

I did something similar to this to resolve the issue I had with the
Eigen matrix library. I am replacing multiplies nodes with an
expression that uses proto::extends to add extra state, in this case a
correctly sized matrix to store the temporary matrix Eigen generates.

I've attached the header that does the node replacement in all the
cases that match the WrappableElementExpressions (Wrap in the header
means replacing the node). Note that this header is ripped out of the
context of a larger application (used for finite elements), so some
stuff will not make sense, but the general idea might be helpful.

I am using a primitive transform (WrapMatrixExpression) to do the
actual node replacement here. An alternative would be to create a
domain, and then use the make_... family of transforms to create nodes
in that domain. I went for the primitive transform because it seemed
to compile faster and with less memory.

I intend to post a more detailed example on how I solved the problem
with Eigen later on, with examples that are more stand-alone.


// Copyright (C) 2010 von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Belgium
// This software is distributed under the terms of the
// GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 (LGPLv3).
// See doc/lgpl.txt and doc/gpl.txt for the license text.

#ifndef CF_Solver_Actions_Proto_ElementExpressionWrapper_hpp
#define CF_Solver_Actions_Proto_ElementExpressionWrapper_hpp

#include ElementGrammar.hpp

namespace CF {
namespace Solver {
namespace Actions {
namespace Proto {

/// Matches expressions that can be wrapped
struct WrappableElementExpressions :
boost::proto::multipliesboost::proto::_, boost::proto::_,
boost::proto::function boost::proto::terminal IntegralTagboost::proto::_ , boost::proto::_ ,
boost::proto::functionboost::proto::terminalLinearizeOp, boost::proto::_, FieldTypes,
boost::proto::function boost::proto::terminal SFOp CustomSFOpboost::proto::_  , boost::proto::_ 

/// Less restricitve grammar to get the result of expressions that are in an integral as well
struct LazyElementGrammar :
ElementMathImplicit // Normally this is only legal inside an integral

/// Wraps a given expression, so the value that it represents can be stored inside the expression itself
templatetypename ExprT, typename MatrixT
struct StoredMatrixExpression :
  boost::proto::extends ExprT, StoredMatrixExpressionExprT, MatrixT 
  typedef boost::proto::extends ExprT, StoredMatrixExpressionExprT, MatrixT  base_type;
  typedef MatrixT ValueT;
  explicit StoredMatrixExpression(ExprT const expr = ExprT())
: base_type(expr)
  /// Temporary storage for the result of the expression
  mutable ValueT value;

struct WrapMatrixExpression : boost::proto::transform WrapMatrixExpression 
  templatetypename ExprT, typename StateT, typename DataT
  struct impl : boost::proto::transform_implExprT, StateT, DataT
/// Helper to select if the expression is to be wrapped
templatebool, int Dummy = 0
struct WrapperSelector;

/// Expression must not be wrapped
templateint Dummy
struct WrapperSelectorfalse, Dummy
  typedef typename impl::expr_param result_type;
  result_type operator()(typename impl::expr_param expr, typename impl::state_param , typename impl::data_param)
return expr;

/// Expression is to be wrapped
templateint Dummy
struct WrapperSelectortrue, Dummy
  /// Calculate the type to store
  typedef typename boost::remove_consttypename boost::remove_reference
typename boost::result_ofLazyElementGrammar(typename impl::expr_param, typename impl::state_param, typename impl::data_param)::type
  ::type::type ValueT;
  typedef StoredMatrixExpressiontypename boost::remove_consttypename boost::remove_referenceExprT::type::type, ValueT result_type;
  result_type operator()(typename impl::expr_param expr, typename impl::state_param, typename impl::data_param)
return result_type(expr);

typedef WrapperSelector boost::proto::matchesExprT, WrappableElementExpressions::value  ResultSelectorT;
typedef typename ResultSelectorT::result_type result_type;

result_type operator()(typename impl::expr_param expr, typename impl::state_param state, typename impl::data_param data)
  return ResultSelectorT()(expr, state, data);

/// Grammar to do the expression wrapping
struct WrapExpression :


Re: [proto] Manipulating an expression tree

2011-04-08 Thread Karsten Ahnert

 Why not just write a transform that calculates one derivative and call
 it N times to get the Nth derivative?

Yes, that may be easy if you need two or three higher derivatives. For my
application I need 10 to 20 or even more. I guess that currently no
compiler can handle such large trees. For example, the simple product rule
will result in 2^N terms.

But in the case of the product rule, one can use Leibnitz rule: If
f(x)=g1(x) g2(x), then
the N-th derivative of f(x) is sum_{k=0}^N binomial(N , k ) g1^k(x)
g2^(N-k)(x). (g1^k is the k-th derivative of g1). This is exactly the
point where I need intermediate values, to store previously calculated
values of the derivatives of g1 and g2.

Nevertheless, thank you for your example. I am a beginner with proto such
that every example is highly illuminating.

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Manipulating an expression tree

2011-04-08 Thread Karsten Ahnert
Thank you for your example. I have one question: how do you use (or assign
something to) the intermediate values in StoredMatrixExpression?

 On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 12:45 AM, Karsten Ahnert wrote:
 Another question is: can a node have a state. In my algorithm it would
 be nice, if every proto::multiplies  node stores some intermediate
 values which are used during later evaluations of the tree.

 I did something similar to this to resolve the issue I had with the
 Eigen matrix library. I am replacing multiplies nodes with an
 expression that uses proto::extends to add extra state, in this case a
 correctly sized matrix to store the temporary matrix Eigen generates.

 I've attached the header that does the node replacement in all the
 cases that match the WrappableElementExpressions (Wrap in the header
 means replacing the node). Note that this header is ripped out of the
 context of a larger application (used for finite elements), so some
 stuff will not make sense, but the general idea might be helpful.

 I am using a primitive transform (WrapMatrixExpression) to do the
 actual node replacement here. An alternative would be to create a
 domain, and then use the make_... family of transforms to create nodes
 in that domain. I went for the primitive transform because it seemed
 to compile faster and with less memory.

 I intend to post a more detailed example on how I solved the problem
 with Eigen later on, with examples that are more stand-alone.


 proto mailing list

Karsten Ahnert
Ambrosys GmbH - Gesellschaft für Management komplexer Systeme
Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 63a
D-14471 Potsdam

Tel: +4917682001688
Fax: +493319791300

Ambrosys GmbH - Gesellschaft für Management komplexer Systems
Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 63a, 14471 Potsdam
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Potsdam, HRB 21228 P
Geschäftsführer: Karsten Ahnert, Dr. Markus Abel

Karsten Ahnert
Ambrosys GmbH - Gesellschaft für Management komplexer Systeme
Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 63a
D-14471 Potsdam

Tel: +4917682001688
Fax: +493319791300

Ambrosys GmbH - Gesellschaft für Management komplexer Systems
Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 63a, 14471 Potsdam
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Potsdam, HRB 21228 P
Geschäftsführer: Karsten Ahnert, Dr. Markus Abel

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Manipulating an expression tree

2011-04-08 Thread Bart Janssens
On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 2:11 PM, Karsten Ahnert wrote:
 Thank you for your example. I have one question: how do you use (or assign
 something to) the intermediate values in StoredMatrixExpression?

Once the wrapping is done, every wrapped node (multiplies expressions
in your case) will have the value member. This can be used from
within any primitive transform or context, if you are working on the
expression after it is transformed by WrapExpression. So instead of
eval(your_expr) you would do something like
eval(WrapExpression()(your_expr)) and then you can assume value exists
when it is needed.


proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Manipulating an expression tree

2011-04-08 Thread Thomas Heller
On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 2:03 PM, Karsten Ahnert wrote:

 Why not just write a transform that calculates one derivative and call
 it N times to get the Nth derivative?

 Yes, that may be easy if you need two or three higher derivatives. For my
 application I need 10 to 20 or even more. I guess that currently no
 compiler can handle such large trees. For example, the simple product rule
 will result in 2^N terms.

Point taken. The expressions might get very long.
However, you could do an algeabric simplification transform (for
example constant propagation)
after every derivation step. Thus reducing the number of terms.

 But in the case of the product rule, one can use Leibnitz rule: If
 f(x)=g1(x) g2(x), then
 the N-th derivative of f(x) is sum_{k=0}^N binomial(N , k ) g1^k(x)
 g2^(N-k)(x). (g1^k is the k-th derivative of g1). This is exactly the
 point where I need intermediate values, to store previously calculated
 values of the derivatives of g1 and g2.

 Nevertheless, thank you for your example. I am a beginner with proto such
 that every example is highly illuminating.
proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Manipulating an expression tree

2011-04-06 Thread Bart Janssens
On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 10:29 PM, Karsten Ahnert wrote:
 Is there a direct way to transform an expression tree into another one?
 For example, is it possible that every proto::plus  node is
 transformed to it left child? I tried to solve this problem via protos
 build-in transforms without success. It seems that they are suited for
 evaluation of an existing tree, but I might be wrong.

Hi Karsten,

I'm pretty sure they can do both. For your example, I think something
along the lines of this might work (untested):

struct LeftPlus :

  boost::proto::plusboost::proto::_, boost::proto::_,
boost::proto::nary_expr boost::proto::_, boost::proto::varargLeftPlus 

This should recurse through expressions and replace sequences of
pluses with the left-most terminal. You may need some other criteria
to end the recursion depending on your use case.

Disclaimer: I'm relatively new to proto myself, so the experts might
have better solutions!


proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Manipulating an expression tree

2011-04-06 Thread Karsten Ahnert
Great! It works perfectly, alltough I don't understand the code
completely yet.

Another question is: can a node have a state. In my algorithm it would
be nice, if every proto::multiplies  node stores some intermediate
values which are used during later evaluations of the tree.



On 04/06/2011 10:53 PM, Bart Janssens wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 10:29 PM, Karsten Ahnert wrote:
 Is there a direct way to transform an expression tree into another one?
 For example, is it possible that every proto::plus  node is
 transformed to it left child? I tried to solve this problem via protos
 build-in transforms without success. It seems that they are suited for
 evaluation of an existing tree, but I might be wrong.
 Hi Karsten,
 I'm pretty sure they can do both. For your example, I think something
 along the lines of this might work (untested):
 struct LeftPlus :
   boost::proto::plusboost::proto::_, boost::proto::_,
 boost::proto::nary_expr boost::proto::_, boost::proto::varargLeftPlus 
 This should recurse through expressions and replace sequences of
 pluses with the left-most terminal. You may need some other criteria
 to end the recursion depending on your use case.
 Disclaimer: I'm relatively new to proto myself, so the experts might
 have better solutions!

Dr. Karsten Ahnert
Ambrosys GmbH - Gesellschaft für Management komplexer Systeme
Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 63a
D-14471 Potsdam

Tel: +4917682001688
Fax: +493319791300

Ambrosys GmbH - Gesellschaft für Management komplexer Systems
Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 63a, 14471 Potsdam
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Potsdam, HRB 21228 P
Geschäftsführer: Dr. Karsten Ahnert, Dr. Markus Abel
proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Manipulating an expression tree

2011-04-06 Thread Eric Niebler
(Please don't top-post. Rearranging...)

On 4/7/2011 5:45 AM, Karsten Ahnert wrote:
 On 04/06/2011 10:53 PM, Bart Janssens wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 10:29 PM, Karsten Ahnert wrote:
 Is there a direct way to transform an expression tree into another one?
 For example, is it possible that every proto::plus  node is
 transformed to it left child? I tried to solve this problem via protos
 build-in transforms without success. It seems that they are suited for
 evaluation of an existing tree, but I might be wrong.

 Hi Karsten,

 I'm pretty sure they can do both. For your example, I think something
 along the lines of this might work (untested):

 struct LeftPlus :
   boost::proto::plusboost::proto::_, boost::proto::_,
 boost::proto::nary_expr boost::proto::_, boost::proto::varargLeftPlus 

 This should recurse through expressions and replace sequences of
 pluses with the left-most terminal. You may need some other criteria
 to end the recursion depending on your use case.

 Disclaimer: I'm relatively new to proto myself, so the experts might
 have better solutions!


 Great! It works perfectly, alltough I don't understand the code
 completely yet.

It takes time, but it'll be worth it. You can't do much with Proto with
grokking grammars and transforms.

 Another question is: can a node have a state. In my algorithm it would
 be nice, if every proto::multiplies  node stores some intermediate
 values which are used during later evaluations of the tree.

No. Intermediate expression nodes carry no run-time state in their
nodes. They only carry compile-time information in the form of the tag.
That's how a plus node is distinguished from a minus node, for instance.

If you need to compute intermediate values, you can use a transform to
build a parallel structure.

Eric Niebler
BoostPro Computing

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proto mailing list