2016-04-03 21:00 GMT+02:00 Elvis Stansvik <elvst...@gmail.com>:
> 2016-04-03 20:17 GMT+02:00 Feng Xiao <xiaof...@google.com>:
>> Hi Elvis,
>> I think preserving comments at the very top of the .proto file is something
>> the protocol compiler should do. I remember this feature was requested
>> inside Google as well and was implemented some time ago. Not sure if it's
>> ported to the opensource repo though. If that's what you need, could you
>> file a github issue? I'll double-check the status and follow-up on the
>> issue.
> Ah, that sounds like good news then. I filed:
>     https://github.com/google/protobuf/issues/1385
> I'd very much like an API to get the comment at the top of the file,
> and a way to know that it really was the first thing in the file
> (before any imports et.c.).
> Thanks a lot for looking into this.
> I'm of course still looking for some way that will work with current
> releases of protobuf, as my tool supports versions back to 2.5.0. But
> from the looks of it, I'm going to have to duplicate the input args /
> -I parsing and build a mirror SourceTree, to be able to resolve file
> names to on-disk names.

Anyone with more info on this? Speaking about current versions of
protobuf now: Will I really have to replicate the arg parsing /
SourceTree construction of the compiler in my own plugin code to
achieve this?


> Elvis
>> On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 3:32 AM, Elvis Stansvik <elvst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> 2016-04-01 7:50 GMT+02:00 Elvis Stansvik <elvst...@gmail.com>:
>>> > Hi Feng,
>>> >
>>> > 2016-03-31 22:28 GMT+02:00 Feng Xiao <xiaof...@google.com>:
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 9:40 AM, Elvis Stansvik <elvst...@gmail.com>
>>> >> wrote:
>>> >>>
>>> >>> On Wednesday, March 30, 2016 at 2:12:46 AM UTC+2, Horst Noreick wrote:
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> the compiler uses GOPATH from environment
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Hm, I think you may have misunderstood me. GOPATH seems to be some
>>> >>> variable to control the paths searched by the Go language compiler.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> What I'm looking for is a way to determine (from the
>>> >>> google::protobuf::FileDescriptor, or some other API accessible to
>>> >>> protobuf
>>> >>> compiler plugins) the full on-disk path to the directory that is
>>> >>> considered
>>> >>> the "source tree" of the currently processed file, so that I can
>>> >>> construct
>>> >>> the full on-disk path to it. The reason I need this is that my plugin
>>> >>> needs
>>> >>> to open the file to do some ad-hoc parsing of the file.
>>> >>
>>> >> Can you describe a bit more about what info do you need from the
>>> >> original
>>> >> file? If it's useful for documentation, we could consider adding that
>>> >> to
>>> >> FileDescriptorProto (like the SourceCodeInfo field) and send it along
>>> >> to the
>>> >> plugins.
>>> >
>>> > I'm afraid my requirement might be too specific to be considered.
>>> >
>>> > My use case is this:
>>> >
>>> > <Foo.proto>
>>> > /// This file contains Foo and stuff.
>>> > ///
>>> > /// Blah blah.
>>> > package some.package;
>>> >
>>> > message Foo {...}
>>> >
>>> > message Blah {...}
>>> > <Foo.proto>
>>> >
>>> > or
>>> >
>>> > <Foo.proto>
>>> > /**
>>> >  * This file contains Foo and stuff.
>>> >  *
>>> >  * Blah blah.
>>> >  */
>>> > package some.package;
>>> >
>>> > message Foo {...}
>>> >
>>> > message Blah {...}
>>> > <Foo.proto>
>>> >
>>> > where I need access to the documentation comment at the very top of
>>> > the input .proto file. User's are using this to document the file as a
>>> > whole.
>>> >
>>> > At the moment I've implemented this like this:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > https://github.com/estan/protoc-gen-doc/blob/master/src/main.cpp#L157-L225
>>> >
>>> > That is, by opening the file and parsing it out myself, but this will
>>> > fail sometimes as I'm simply opening using FileDescriptor::name() as
>>> > file name, not the full path. So I need a way to get the full resolved
>>> > on-disk path to an input file.
>>> >
>>> > For many other comments, I'm making good use of
>>> > SourceLocation::leading_comments and SourceLocation::trailing_comments
>>> > to get the comments for messages, enums, fields et.c.
>>> >
>>> > Cheers,
>>> > Elvis
>>> I've now searched quite thoroughly through the protobuf code, and
>>> concluded that there's no way, directly or indirectly, for a plugin to
>>> access the SourceTree used by the compiler (created in
>>> command_line_interface.cc, line 750 [1]).
>>> This means that if a plugin author wants to get the on-disk path of
>>> one of an input file, in a proper way, he/she must create a SourceTree
>>> that mirrors the one used by the compiler. This means re-doing all the
>>> command line parsing work the CommandLineInterface already does (or
>>> well, the parsing of -I options and inputs) as well as the mapping of
>>> virtual paths to disk paths, to make sure it represents an identical
>>> SourceTree to the one used by the compiler. This work is quite
>>> sophisticated and non-trivial (e.g. see also the
>>> CommandLineInterface::MakeInputsBeProtoPathRelative(...) which would
>>> need to be duplicated).
>>> I would therefore like to ask the GeneratorContext interface (in
>>> compiler/code_generator.h), which is accessible to plugins, be given
>>> something like a
>>>     virtual SourceTree *sourceTree();
>>> method, which can be used by plugins to access the SourceTree used by
>>> the compiler.
>>> After that, getting the on-disk path of an input file described by a
>>> FileDescriptor would be a simple matter of
>>>     std::string diskPath;
>>>     sourceTree->VirtualFileToDiskFile(descriptor->name(), &diskPath);
>>> I can see two potential use cases where a plugin author wants to get
>>> the on-disk file:
>>>   * My current use case: I need to do some custom ad-hoc parsing of the
>>> file.
>>>   * A documentation generator plugin may want to provide a link to the
>>> .proto source code (similar to e.g. Doxygen).
>>> But I'm sure there are other use cases.
>>> What do you think, is this a reasonable request? The description of
>>> the GeneratoContext interface is currently:
>>> // CodeGenerators generate one or more files in a given directory.  This
>>> // abstract interface represents the directory to which the CodeGenerator
>>> is
>>> // to write and other information about the context in which the Generator
>>> // runs.
>>> And I think the SourceTree fits quite well under "other information
>>> about the context in which the Generator runs".
>>> Cheers,
>>> Elvis
>>> [1]
>>> https://github.com/google/protobuf/blob/master/src/google/protobuf/compiler/command_line_interface.cc#L750
>>> >
>>> >>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> I don't think GOPATH will give me any of this.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Cheers,
>>> >>> Elvis
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
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>>> >>
>>> >>
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