Could you create a minimal example, with relevant C# and Java code? I very 
much doubt this is a bug, and I suspect that in trying to reproduce it 
you'll find out what's wrong, but if not, we'll be in a much better 
position to fix it.


On Thursday, 30 March 2017 14:56:06 UTC+1, Андрей Баранов wrote:
> message Msg_Order
> {
> message Msg_OrderItem
> {
> int32 item_id = 1;
> int32 count = 2;
> int32 price = 3;
> Msg_Item item = 4;
> }
> int32 id = 1;
> map<int32, Msg_OrderItem> order_items = 2;
> int32 amount = 3;
> Int64Value dt_create = 4;
> int32 state = 5;
> string payment_id = 6;
> }
> When I parse in Java Msg_Item item = 4; is empty !!!
> BUT !!! When I convert
> from map<int32, Msg_OrderItem> order_items = 2;
> to
> repeated Msg_OrderItem order_items = 2;
> it begins work !!!! BUG ???

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