Let's say you have a proto defined as the following:

message Zoo {
    repeated Cat cats = 1;

Let's say cat looks like this:

message Cat {
    google.protobuf.StringValue name = 1
    Decimal age = 2;

If I want to reduce the amount of data in Zoo such that sample data only 
contains Cat with only the name field, how do I do that?

Example: A sample Zoo object will look like this:

    Cat: [{
        name = "sam";
        name = "hester";

I'm trying to do this with one field mask:

FieldMask zoo_mask = FieldMask.newBuilder()

Zoo getMaskedZoo(FieldMask mask, Zoo zoo) {
    Zoo.Builder zooDest = Zoo.newBuilder();
    FieldMaskUtil.merge(zoo_mask, zoo, zooDest);
    return zooDest.build();

How do I make it so that only the name displays for each Cat?

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