[protobuf] Re: Sending protobuf from C++ to Java - Unable to parse in java

2015-06-12 Thread 肖锋
Java's parseDelimitedFrom() method expects a length prefix before the 
content of the message. In C++, you will need to add this prefix using 

CodedOutputStream coded_output(...);
int length = message.ByteSize();

On Thursday, June 11, 2015 at 6:08:33 PM UTC-7, Ashwin Venkataraman wrote:

I am sending a protobuf from a C++ program to a java program via 
 sockets. I am unable to deserialize the proto in the Java program .I keep 
 encountering errors like :

 1. While parsing a protocol message, the input ended unexpectedly in the 
 middle of a field.  This could mean either than the input has been 
 truncated or that an embedded message misreported its own length.
 2. CodedInputStream encountered a malformed varint 

 I am using a simple socket in C++ and a ServerSocket in the java program. 
 I an serializing my proto to a char* buffer before I sent it to the socket. 
 what am I doing wrong? Kindly help.

 I have both my code below:

 P.S - the example for proto is taken from the Google example - 

 *C++ code: ( Client side - sends data )*
 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
 #include iostream
 #include fstream
 #include string
 #include windows.h
 #include winsock2.h
 #include ws2tcpip.h
 #include addressbook.pb.h

 #pragma comment (lib, Ws2_32.lib)
 #pragma comment (lib, Mswsock.lib)
 #pragma comment (lib, AdvApi32.lib)

 using namespace std;

 // This function fills in a Person message based on user input.
 void PromptForAddress(tutorial::Person* person) {
 cout  Enter person ID number: ;
 int id;
 cin  id;
 cin.ignore(256, '\n');

 cout  Enter name: ;
 getline(cin, *person-mutable_name());

 cout  Enter email address (blank for none): ;
 string email;
 getline(cin, email);
 if (!email.empty()) {

 while (true) {
 cout  Enter a phone number (or leave blank to finish): ;
 string number;
 getline(cin, number);
 if (number.empty()) {

 tutorial::Person::PhoneNumber* phone_number = person-add_phone();

 cout  Is this a mobile, home, or work phone? ;
 string type;
 getline(cin, type);
 if (type == mobile) {
 else if (type == home) {
 else if (type == work) {
 else {
 cout  Unknown phone type.  Using default.  endl;

 // Main function:  Reads the entire address book from a file,
 //   adds one person based on user input, then writes it back out to the 
 //   file.
 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
 // Verify that the version of the library that we linked against is
 // compatible with the version of the headers we compiled against.

 tutorial::AddressBook address_book;

 // Add an address.

 int size = address_book.ByteSize();
 char * buffer = new char[size];
 address_book.SerializeToArray(buffer, size);

 WSADATA wsaData;
 struct addrinfo *result = NULL,
 *ptr = NULL,
 int iResult;

 // Initialize Winsock
 iResult = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), wsaData);

 ZeroMemory(hints, sizeof(hints));
 hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
 hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
 hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;

 // Resolve the server address and port
 iResult = getaddrinfo(localhost, 5000, hints, result);
 if (iResult != 0) {
 printf(getaddrinfo failed with error: %d\n, iResult);
 return 1;

 // Attempt to connect to an address until one succeeds
 for (ptr = result; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr-ai_next) 

 // Create a SOCKET for connecting to server
 ConnectSocket = socket(ptr-ai_family, ptr-ai_socktype,

 // Connect to server.
 iResult = connect(ConnectSocket, ptr-ai_addr, 
 if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR) {
 ConnectSocket = INVALID_SOCKET;

 // Send an initial buffer
 iResult = send(ConnectSocket, buffer, (int)strlen(buffer), 0);
 if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR) {
 printf(send failed with error: %d\n, 

[protobuf] Re: Question according assigning tags

2015-06-12 Thread 肖锋

On Thursday, June 11, 2015 at 6:08:33 PM UTC-7, caramba230 wrote:

 I have a question about assigning tags, the documentation says :
 tags with values in the range 1 through 15 take one byte to encode, 
 including the identifying number and the field's type (you can find out 
 more about this in Protocol Buffer Encoding 
 Tags in the range 16 through 2047 take two bytes. So you should reserve the 
 tags 1 through 15 for very frequently occurring message elements.
 But if I have a message A with two fields, and his first field is another 
 message who has 15 fields, and the second one has 12 fields. Which fields 
 will be encoded with one byte?

The documentation is talking about the number of bytes needed to encode the 
tag, not the actual content of the field. Whether the field is a message 
field or a string field or a int32 field, doesn't matter.


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[protobuf] Re: How can I read protobuf massages from single file if writer is Java reader is Python?

2015-06-12 Thread 肖锋

On Thursday, June 11, 2015 at 6:08:33 PM UTC-7, Misha Gavrilov wrote:

 Hi all I have a problem with protocol buffers serialised files.
 I use python for parsing buffer files. But I can't read any message from 
 file, I don't know why.
 Writer developed on Java and use CodedInputStream and WriteMassangeNoTag 
 for writing buffers file.
 I wont to parse this file by python. I have all .proto files compiled 
 successful for python. I read PB documentation and find that PB massages 
 must be delimited if they are located in one file.

 So the questions are next:
 1. What is the delimiter CodedInputStream use?
 2. Can some one provide code example for python, how to read messages from 
 file one by one.

You need to delimite the messages yourself. 
CodedInputStream/CodedOutputStream does not read/write any delimiters. 
Basically PB only helps you convert a message object into a chunk of data. 
It's your responsibility to take care of how to put/read this chunk of data 
within the file.

 Code Example (Default code from PB Documentation):
 JM = proto.myproto_pb2.MyProtoClass()
   f = open(sys.argv[1], rb)
 #  text_format.Merge(f.read(), JM)
 #  print(f.read())
   print (JM)
 except IOError:
   print (sys.argv[1] + : Could not open file.  Creating a new one.)

 Return error:
  google.protobuf.message.DecodeError: Tag had invalid wire type.

 P.S. If python program write buffer file then python program can read and 
 parse it.
 So problem happen when java write and python read.


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[protobuf] Re: Protobuf3: How to use the new timestamp proto type?

2015-06-12 Thread 肖锋

On Thursday, June 11, 2015 at 6:08:33 PM UTC-7, Robin wrote:

 Hi everyone,

 I have installed protobuf3.0.0-alpha-3 on my machine and have the 
 following proto file:

 syntax = proto3;

 package my.great.package;

 import google/protobuf/timestamp.proto;

 option java_outer_classname = TimestampedThingMsg;

 message TimestampedThing {
 string thing = 1;
 Timestamp date = 2;

 However when I run protoc protobuf/timestamped_thing.proto I get the 
 following two errors:

 protobuf/timestamped_thing.proto: Import google/protobuf/timestamp.proto 
 was not found or had errors.

 protobuf/timestamped_thing.proto:15:5: Timestamp is not defined.

protoc should be able to find these types automatically if they are 
installed with protoc. Where did you install the protoc binary? Could you 
check whether you can find google/protobuf/timestamp.proto in your include 
path? These protos should be installed along with protobuf header files.

 How can I import the new Timestamp message type (source file: 
 to use it in my own messages?

 The only related example I could find in the docs was for the Any type 
 where the import looks exactly like mine so not sure how to go about this. 
 Docs link: https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto3#any


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Re: [protobuf] Dynamic/run-time decoding

2015-06-12 Thread 肖锋

On Wednesday, June 10, 2015 at 9:49:03 PM UTC-7, Jan Kyjovský wrote:

 I did as you told me. And tried to compile my proto files with protoc. 
 Well it eat them up without any problem so I guess that clear that there is 
 no problem with them but in that case why is it causing such error to me.

 As I gave some hint before problem is happening when I am trying to do 
 following with phone.proto which is being added as second into descriptor 

 compiler::Parser parser;

 bool bV = parser.Parse(tokenizer, result);
 std::string strErr = errCollector.GetErrorAndWarnings();

 return bV;

 Parse returns false and error collector holds following error:
 1:1: ERROR: Multiple package definitions.

 Do you have nay idea what that could meant?

Could you post the whole content of your code? It would be easier for me to 
figure out what's wrong if I can run the code myself.

 On Tuesday, 9 June 2015 20:31:38 UTC+2, Feng Xiao wrote:

 On Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 10:23 PM, Jan Kyjovský jan.ky...@tieto.com 

 I have remade code so I now add into descriptor database all protofiles 
 specified by directory. There is but little problem with error handling. 
 From nature how I am handling errors it seems that message is possible to 
 decode but there is one error in error collector which is bothering me:

 1:1: ERROR: Multiple package definitions.

 *My protos are defined as follows:*
 import phone.proto;

 package tutorial;

 option java_package = com.example.tutorial;
 option java_outer_classname = AddressBookProtos;

 message Person {
   required string name = 1;
   required int32 id = 2;// Unique ID number for this person.
   optional string email = 3;

 //  enum PhoneType {
 //MOBILE = 0;
 //HOME = 1;
 //WORK = 2;
 //  }

   message PhoneNumber {
 required string number = 1;
 optional PhoneType type = 2 [default = HOME];

   repeated PhoneNumber phone = 4;
   optional int32 age = 5;

 // Our address book file is just one of these.
 message AddressBook {
   repeated Person person = 1;

 package tutorial;

 enum PhoneType {
   MOBILE = 0;
   HOME = 1;
   WORK = 2;

 Even though there is error in error collector I can ignore it and decode 
 message successfully. Yet if I try to remove this package info from 
 phone.proto itis not detecting any error but FindMessageTypeByName fails to 
 find data type. I am suspecting since not all references for person data 
 type I am asking for are resolved it fails.

 So I am confused how exactly should be these package keywords be used?

 I don't see a problem in your use of package. You could try to run 
 protoc on these proto files and see if it reports any error. I suspect it's 
 not the .proto file's problem.

 On Wednesday, 3 June 2015 19:05:59 UTC+2, Feng Xiao wrote:

 On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 12:40 AM, Jan Kyjovský jan.ky...@tieto.com 


 I somehow understand what you mean but still I lack in experience with 
 it. I tried to switch to descriptor database but still I got some 

 C_ProtoDecoder::C_ProtoDecoder(std::string strFile)
 m_strProtoFile = strFile;

 // Build the descriptor pool
 m_bConstructed = ParseProtoFile(m_ProtoFileDescr);

 if (m_bConstructed)
 m_Pool = new DescriptorPool(m_ProtoDescrDatabase);

 delete m_Pool;

 bool C_ProtoDecoder::DecodeDataAsTypeFromWireFormat(std::string 
 strWireFormat, std::string strType)
 Descriptor *descriptor = (Descriptor 
 Message *message = 

 if (descriptor == NULL)
 char szError[256];

 sprintf(szError, Unknown data type %s!, strType.c_str());

 return false;

 bool bFlag = message-ParseFromString(strWireFormat);

 if (!bFlag)
 m_InternalPrinter.AddErrorMessage(Encoding error!);

 return true;

 bool C_ProtoDecoder::ParseProtoFile(FileDescriptorProto *result)
   int file_descriptor = open(m_strProtoFile.c_str(), O_RDONLY);

 if (file_descriptor == -1)
 char szError[256];

 sprintf(szError, Invalid proto file \%s\!, 

 return false;

 C_ParserErrorCollector errCollector;

 io::FileInputStream stream(file_descriptor);
 io::Tokenizer tokenizer(stream, errCollector);

 compiler::Parser parser;

 return parser.Parse(tokenizer, result);

 I have used SimpleDescriptorDatabase since it 

[protobuf] Re: Protobuf3: How to use the new timestamp proto type?

2015-06-12 Thread Robin
I installed protobuf with the following homebrew command on OS X 10.10.3: 
brew install protobuf --devel
The binary is symlinked to /us/local/bin and the includes are symlinked to 
/usr/local/include/google/protobuf/timestamp.proto (which is present as I 

Which include path do you mean, the protoc -IPATH? And should it be 
sufficient in my .proto file to just use Timestamp or should I use the full 

On Friday, June 12, 2015 at 8:41:18 AM UTC+2, 肖锋 wrote:

 On Thursday, June 11, 2015 at 6:08:33 PM UTC-7, Robin wrote:

 Hi everyone,

 I have installed protobuf3.0.0-alpha-3 on my machine and have the 
 following proto file:

 syntax = proto3;

 package my.great.package;

 import google/protobuf/timestamp.proto;

 option java_outer_classname = TimestampedThingMsg;

 message TimestampedThing {
 string thing = 1;
 Timestamp date = 2;

 However when I run protoc protobuf/timestamped_thing.proto I get the 
 following two errors:

 protobuf/timestamped_thing.proto: Import 
 google/protobuf/timestamp.proto was not found or had errors.

 protobuf/timestamped_thing.proto:15:5: Timestamp is not defined.

 protoc should be able to find these types automatically if they are 
 installed with protoc. Where did you install the protoc binary? Could you 
 check whether you can find google/protobuf/timestamp.proto in your include 
 path? These protos should be installed along with protobuf header files.

 How can I import the new Timestamp message type (source file: 
 to use it in my own messages?

 The only related example I could find in the docs was for the Any type 
 where the import looks exactly like mine so not sure how to go about this. 
 Docs link: https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto3#any


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