I am trying to achieve to basic pattern.
>From business objects  defined as message in a proto file, I would
like to generate some additional messages to handle CRUD operations.

Eg my test.proto file contains:

message TestObject {
  option messageType = BO;
  required string message = 1;

I am fighting with the generator code in order to generate directly
the following message:

message CreateTestObject {
  required TestObject object = 1;

The problem is for importing my proto file.
If I add the dependency, the file cannot be loaded. Maybe I am missing
how to set up the dependency path in the generator.

I am using the follwing main:

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  google::protobuf::compiler::CommandLineInterface cli;

  vpmsproto::compiler::JavaGenerator  java_generator;
  cli.RegisterGenerator("--java_out", &java_generator,
    "Generate Java source and header.");
  return cli.Run(argc, argv);

And in my generator, I do the following:

  bool Generate(const FileDescriptor* file,
                const string& parameter,
                compiler::OutputDirectory* output_directory,
                string* error) const {
      DescriptorPool pool;
      FileDescriptorProto proto =  FileDescriptorProto();

      const FileDescriptor* newFile = pool.BuildFile(proto);

I have the following error:

libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/descriptor.cc:2222] Invalid proto
descriptor for file "testEric":
libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/descriptor.cc:2225]   testEric:
Import "test.proto" has not been loaded.

Am I missing something?
Is there a more efficient to achive my goal?
Thanks in advance for your help.

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