I've created the Map (see below) as a generic container.  Has this already 
been done somewhere that I can download?   Any comments on how to optimize 
this for speed and size or leverage an existing solution would be helpful.
Thanks in advance.

message Map {

message DateTime {
required int32 Year = 1;
required int32 Month = 2;
required int32 Day = 3;
optional int32 Hour = 4 [default = 0];
optional int32 Minute = 5 [default = 0];
optional int32 Second = 6 [default=0];
optional int32 Milli = 7 [ default =0];

message ValueNode {
optional string Text = 1;
optional int32 Integer = 2;
optional double Double = 3;
optional DateTime Date = 4;
optional Map childMap = 5;

message MapKeyAndValue {
required string key = 1;
required ValueNode value = 5;

repeated MapKeyAndValue map_set = 1;

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