You cannot use the extension's number as the key (though I agree, that
would be nice).  Instead, you need to provide the fully-qualified path
to the extended field inside square braces, e.g. "[]:
'foovalue'".  Take a look at the Debug() output of an extended message
and you'll see this syntax expressed.


On Apr 26, 2:41 pm, Arkadiy <> wrote:
> I was not accurate in describing this.  I am using:
> TextFormat::PrintToString and
> TextFormat::ParseFromString.
> I assumed one should be able to parse what another generates.  But
> apparently this is not true for extensions.
> Still need help.
> Thanks,
> Arkadiy
> On Apr 26, 10:49 am, Arkadiy <> wrote:
> > Hi all.
> > I have a message with extension, and when I serialize it with
> > SerializeToString(), the extension looks something like this:
> > 1000 {
> >   1: 1
> > }
> > However if I try to parse the resulting string with ParseFromString(),
> > it complains about the line "1000 {":
> > Error parsing text-format ... : 22:1: Expected identifier.
> > So, looks like ParseFromString() requires a different format than
> > SerializeToString() produces?
> > Can anybody shed some light on it?
> > Thanks for any help,
> > Arkadiy

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