
I'm working on the spotware connect api which uses c# port of the protobuf 

The prototype of one of the message (ProtoPingReq) is defined as below:

message ProtoPingReq {
>     optional ProtoPayloadType payloadType = 1 [default = PING_REQ];
>     required uint64 timestamp = 2; // timestamp that will be returned in 
> the response
> }

when using the supplied c# sample , the PingReq serialized to :

Data sent: 00 00 00 0E
> Data sent: 08 34 *12 0A* 10 9C DA EC A6 BB C9 D3 E8 08

the message length is 0xe and there is payload id (timestamp) - 0x12, and 
payload length 0x0A.

However, when serialize using c++:

the packet is

> 00 00 00 0c 

08 34 10 f0 d5 fe 81 92  86 e0 e7 01 

the length is 0xc (due to the missing payloadid (timestamp) / length) .

I've tried using the latest libproto buf (2.5.0) and later downgraded to 
same version of c# project (2.4.1) but the problem remains.

below are code snippet to serialize the PingReq message:

 ProtoPingReq pingReq;
>>     pingReq.set_payloadtype(PING_REQ);
>>     char buf[BUFSZ + 1]; // BUFSZ is 1024 
>>         SYSTEMTIME systemTime;
>>         GetLocalTime(&systemTime);
>>         FILETIME fileTime;
>>         SystemTimeToFileTime(&systemTime, &fileTime);
>>         ULARGE_INTEGER largeInteger;
>>         largeInteger.LowPart = fileTime.dwLowDateTime;
>>         largeInteger.HighPart = fileTime.dwHighDateTime;
>>         ULONGLONG ticks = reinterpret_cast<ULONGLONG&>(largeInteger);    
>         pingReq.set_timestamp(ticks);
>>         if(pingReq.SerializeToArray(buf, BUFSZ)) { // output pingReq to 
>> buf
>>             ::google::protobuf::uint32 size = htonl(pingReq.ByteSize());
>>             char* _size = (char*)&size;
>>             dump_addr(_size, sizeof(uint32));
>>             dump_addr(buf, pingReq.ByteSize());
>>         }
Compiler is msvc 2012, protobuf version: 2.4.1


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