Hello, i have a complex message like:

message field
   required string ui1=1;
   required string u2 =2.

message field1
  optional field f1 =1;

message field2
  optional field f1 =1;

message user{
  optional string name = 1;
  optional uint32 age = 2;
  optional field1 field_1;
  optional field2 field_2

message list_user
  repeated user user_array;  

This is an example, the real message is more complex. 
I create a object Cpp_User (plain c++ object), this object have as private 
a compiled "user" message object (protonamespace::user)

I create several objects of Cpp_User and i add the into vector of Cpp_User. 

How i could, (with the 2.4.1 vesion, and not possibility to change) to 
transform this plain vector of cpp into the repeated user array without to 
do a manual copy of eachelement of the vector (developing a copy 
constructor) .Have this libraray some facility to do it?.

Thank you in advance. 

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