I’m trying to dynamically create objects from discovery of pb2 generated 
protobuf files and assign appropriate values to their fields. If the field 
types are simple, this is straightforward - e.g. for TYPE_BOOL, 
setattr(obj, “field_name”, True) works fine - but if the field is 
TYPE_MESSAGE, making an instance of that field and using setattr(obj, 
“field_name”, instance) results in an error:
      Assignment not allowed to composite field "task" in protocol message 
from python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/internal/python_message.py", 
line 736, in setter

sample code: dummy/test_dummy.proto

syntax = "proto3";

message task {
   int32 id = 1;
   string msg = 2;

message task_info {
   task task = 1;

from this I used protoc to generate a test_dummy_pb2.py

For example, I want to create a task_info object, so by exploring the 
imported pb2 module, I find the task_info descriptor and create an instance 
of it. I see that its field ‘task’ is of TYPE_MESSAGE so I create an 
instance of that as well and call setattr(task_instance, “id”, 1) and 
setattr(task_instance, “msg”, “some message”) to populate it, and then go 
back and call setattr(task_info_instance, “task”, task_instance). Here I 
get the error:  Assignment not allowed to composite field "task" in 
protocol message object.

programatically I can import this module and assign values well enough, for 
example in the python shell:
>> import importlib
>> oobj = importlib.import_module("dummy.dummy.test_dummy_pb2", 
>> obj = getattr(oobj, "task_info")
>> task_info_instance = obj()
>> task_info_instance.task.id = 1
>> task_info_instance.task.msg = "some message"
>> print task_info_instance

task {
  id: 1
  msg: "some message"

But dynamically I can’t explicitly assign it like that. I would need 
something like a setattr() function that can set an object’s composite 
object field. I’m hoping that someone can shed some light on this for me.

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