The protocol buffer encoding is a binary format.  SerializeToString()
actually returns a string containing raw bytes, not text.  XML doesn't allow
you to embed raw bytes into it, so you will have to base-64 encode them.

It's probably better to avoid using XML altogether if you can.  Embedding a
protocol buffer inside XML sort of defeats the purpose.

On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 11:52 AM, mmarques <> wrote:

> Hy,
> I'm using protocoll buffers to share data between python and java with
> xmlrpc.
> I've implemented a method in python that returns a string that is the
> result of invoking, in Python
> object.serializeToString()
> My rpc client while reading the response returns:
> An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x8) was found in the element
> content of the document.
> I guess the problem is that the XML parser doesn't support the
> encoding used by protocol buffers to serialize the object.
> Do I need encode it again in (i.e: base64) or am I doing something
> wrong? It doesn't seem to appropriate to encode again since it will
> introduce some overhead...
> thanks
> >

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