the language guide is very clear and explicit that this is intentional; it
is nothing to do with the C# part, and will behave the same for any

> You can add fields of any type, but cannot use the required, optional, or
repeated keywords.


> A oneof cannot be repeated.

So: no, you can't do what you want here. Maybe use encapsulation. So: have
a message that *contains* a repeated field, and use that message type in
the one-of.

On 15 Jul 2017 2:53 p.m., "David Vescovi" <> wrote:

First I tried this simple protobuf with compiler 3.3:

syntax = "proto3";

message ProxyMessage {

int32 Signal = 1;

oneof payload


  repeated int32 a= 6;

  repeated float b = 7;



while this seem quite simple it resulted in the following error:
protoc --csharp_out=. proxy.proto
proxy.proto:7:7: Fields in oneofs must not have labels (required / optional
/ repeated).
proxy.proto:8:7: Fields in oneofs must not have labels (required / optional
/ repeated).

Is there a workaround? Is this a known bug?

I know you can, in effect,  do this same thing in proto3 by not using the
oneof and rely on "optional by default" feature.
The reason I need the oneof is the fact on the other end I am using C++ and
I need the oneof union feature to keep the buffer allocation down.
That being said I really need something like:

syntax = "proto3";

message A


   repeated int32 Int32Parameters = 1;


message B


   repeated float FloatParameters = 1;


message ProxyMessage {

int32 Signal = 1;

oneof payload


  A a= 6;

  B b = 7;



This actually compiles but when I try to construct a message by doing
something like this:

public MainPage()



  RepeatedField<int> myInts = new RepeatedField<int>();



  ProxyMessage proxy = new ProxyMessage();

  proxy.Signal = 5;



I get a NullReferenceException when it hits the AddRange line.

I also tried adding the line:

proxy.PayloadCase = ProxyMessage.PayloadOneofCase.A;

but this will not compile with "..can not assigned to --it is read only"

any ideas?


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