+petar, who may be able to answer this.

On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 6:48 AM, bart van deenen

> Hi
> I'm building a generic  editor for creating loading and saving gpb
> objects and am running into problems with dynamic __import__
> statements. I've nailed it down to a very simple testcase. This is all
> with python 2.5.2 and protobuf 2.0.3 on Linux.
> test.proto:
> message test {    optional int32 x=1; }
> C.py:
> class K:
>    def __init__(self):
>        print "new K"
> >>> import test_pb2, C
> >>> a=getattr(test_pb2,"test")
> >>> a
> <class 'test_pb2.test'>
> >>> b=getattr(C,"K")
> >>> b
> <class C.K at 0xb64ceddc>
> Why is one of the classnames in quotes, and the other not?
> When I try a dynamic import I've narrowed my problem down to :
> #!/usr/bin/python
> def test():
>    for module,klass in [('test_pb2','test'), ('C', 'K')]:
>        m=__import__(module)
>        k=getattr(m, klass)
>        print "*", m, k, type(k)
>        print k()
> test()
> Which when run gives me the following
> * <module 'test_pb2' from '....gpbedit/test_pb2.pyc'> <class
> 'test_pb2.test'> <class
> 'google.protobuf.reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType'>
> new k=
> * <module 'C' from '...gpbedit/C.pyc'> C.K <type 'classobj'>
> new k= new K
> <C.K instance at 0xb7d2764c>
> When I try to create a protocol object of the 'test' type, my python
> script returns None.
> So where does this go wrong?
> Bart
> P.S. the editor is at http://github.com/bvdeenen/gpbedit/tree/master.
> It's still alpha quality, but it is capable of editing proto objects
> and generating a gui from proto files
> >

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