Re: Client APIs and AMQP 1.0 (was Re: Using the messenger API to connect to a server without sending or subscribing)

2014-05-21 Thread Gordon Sim

On 05/21/2014 02:10 PM, Ken Giusti wrote:

I think of qpid::messaging as being a "traditional" client api.


Messenger, as an alternative, provides (or at least promises to
provide) solutions to a lot of the issues a "traditional" API has
left to the application implementation.  Things like connection
failover, message retries,

Automatic failover and message retry *is* supported in qpid::messaging 
(it isn't yet in Messenger).

credit scheduling,

What is that exactly? Messenger::recv(N) essentially distributes N 
credits across however many incoming links there are, right? Whereas 
qpid::messaging allows capacity to be set per subscriber and maintains 
the window of credits accordingly.

So is the key difference here that in one API the credit is controlled 
per-subscription whereas in the other it is controlled in aggregate.

Where the number of receivers is larger than the number of messages the 
application is prepared to accept, dealing with the credit in aggregate 
and having it automatically (re)distributed as needed may indeed be 
useful. Of course the same feature could easily be built as a utility on 
top of something like qpid::messaging.


So by this we mean the fact that Messenger looks at the address 'to' 
field of the message, applies some optional rules to that, and then find 
or creates the link to send it over.

This could of course also be built on top of qpid::messaging (or indeed 

and even client-side store are provided by Messenger.

When you say 'are provided' you mean 'might be provided in the future'?

Such features would probably feel cumbersome

I don't think it is the 'features' that are cumbersome, it's the 

to someone looking for a JMS-like API (and IMHO may be better off
with qpid::messaging), but for those folks who may not be bound to a
legacy application, Messenger offers some useful features.

I've heard this sentiment in different ways quite a lot. I.e. 
qpid::messaging and JMS are 'legacy' approaches, are for people who 
aren't free to choose etc, whereas Messenger represents the future, the 
ideal if nothing holds you back etc.

I don't go along with that view personally; I see nothing that really 
justifies it. It also seems to me to be quite counter to the notion that 
the APIs 'complement' each other, at least in my understanding of what 
that means[1].

I'm certainly not arguing that qpid::messaging is the ideal API either, 
or that there is only room for one API. I'm keen to see if we can 
improve the general situation and feel that some debate around the 
different visions that exist within the community would be helpful in 
enabling better collaboration on that goal.


[1] complement, verb, /ˈkɒm.plɪ.ment/:

"to make something else seem better or more attractive
 when combining with it"


Re: Client APIs and AMQP 1.0 (was Re: Using the messenger API to connect to a server without sending or subscribing)

2014-05-21 Thread Ken Giusti
Hi Gordon,

- Original Message -
> From: "Gordon Sim" 
> To:
> Cc:
> Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 11:25:41 AM
> Subject: Re: Client APIs and AMQP 1.0 (was Re: Using the messenger API to 
> connect to a server without sending or
> subscribing)
> On 05/15/2014 01:44 PM, Ken Giusti wrote:
> > I think we should develop Messenger as an alternative client API to
> > qpid::messaging, focusing on use cases that are not necessarily well
> > covered by the existing qpid::messaging API.  I think they
> > complement each other nicely.
> In what way do you think they complement each other?

I think you've touched on it below - they do differ primarily in style.  But I 
think it goes beyond that.  I think of qpid::messaging as being a "traditional" 
client api.  It fits best in those scenarios where the application directly 
manages the connections (setup and fail-over), message sending/receiving, and 
credit.  I suspect there's a lot of existing messaging systems that expect that 
kind of API, and will find qpid::messaging a better fit than Messenger.

Messenger, as an alternative, provides (or at least promises to provide) 
solutions to a lot of the issues a "traditional" API has left to the 
application implementation.  Things like connection failover, message retries, 
credit scheduling, routing, and even client-side store are provided by 
Messenger.  Such features would probably feel cumbersome to someone looking for 
a JMS-like API (and IMHO may be better off with qpid::messaging), but for those 
folks who may not be bound to a legacy application, Messenger offers some 
useful features.

> [...]
> > I think we'd be much better off if we can separate the problem spaces
> > these two client APIs attempt to address, and clearly communicate
> > these differences so that users can find the right API for their
> > particular use cases
> That sounds neat and tidy in theory. I suspect it is not so simple in
> practice.
> > (example: connection oriented vs message oriented).
> I view that as more a question of 'style' than problem space. (I suspect
> it also raises almost as many questions as it answers).
> The existence of alternatives is not itself inherently problematic. What
> matters is how confident a prospective adopter feels when evaluating
> options for AMQP and how easily he or she would succeed if AMQP were
> embraced. It's not a question of eliminating choices, its a question of
> improving the experience.
> [...]
> > I think we should take an active role in promoting this new
> > experimental, community-led APIs that you mentioned.  To be clear,
> > I'm not advocating that we (QPID) _support_ them, but I think we
> > should add links to them directly from our QPID web site, along side
> > the links to Messenger and qpid::messaging.
> I'm not sure what taking 'an active role in promoting' would mean, but I
> confess it makes me nervous. For one thing the projects I linked to vary
> widely in license, governance and maturity.
> On reflection and re-reading, my post was rather rushed and confused and
> the list of links was perhaps a mistake.
> The central point I am trying to make, is that though there are a
> variety of different *individual* initiatives, selecting an AMQP 1.0
> client one can have confidence in is still not easy and it seems to me
> there is no real *collective* initiative to improve this.

Sadly, I have to agree.  How do we (qpid) go about solving this?

> -
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Re: Client APIs and AMQP 1.0 (was Re: Using the messenger API to connect to a server without sending or subscribing)

2014-05-19 Thread Gordon Sim

On 05/15/2014 01:44 PM, Ken Giusti wrote:

I think we should develop Messenger as an alternative client API to
qpid::messaging, focusing on use cases that are not necessarily well
covered by the existing qpid::messaging API.  I think they
complement each other nicely.

In what way do you think they complement each other?


I think we'd be much better off if we can separate the problem spaces
these two client APIs attempt to address, and clearly communicate
these differences so that users can find the right API for their
particular use cases

That sounds neat and tidy in theory. I suspect it is not so simple in 

(example: connection oriented vs message oriented).

I view that as more a question of 'style' than problem space. (I suspect 
it also raises almost as many questions as it answers).

The existence of alternatives is not itself inherently problematic. What 
matters is how confident a prospective adopter feels when evaluating 
options for AMQP and how easily he or she would succeed if AMQP were 
embraced. It's not a question of eliminating choices, its a question of 
improving the experience.


I think we should take an active role in promoting this new
experimental, community-led APIs that you mentioned.  To be clear,
I'm not advocating that we (QPID) _support_ them, but I think we
should add links to them directly from our QPID web site, along side
the links to Messenger and qpid::messaging.

I'm not sure what taking 'an active role in promoting' would mean, but I 
confess it makes me nervous. For one thing the projects I linked to vary 
widely in license, governance and maturity.

On reflection and re-reading, my post was rather rushed and confused and 
the list of links was perhaps a mistake.

The central point I am trying to make, is that though there are a 
variety of different *individual* initiatives, selecting an AMQP 1.0 
client one can have confidence in is still not easy and it seems to me 
there is no real *collective* initiative to improve this.

Re: Client APIs and AMQP 1.0 (was Re: Using the messenger API to connect to a server without sending or subscribing)

2014-05-16 Thread Ken Giusti
Hi Gordon,

My thoughts:

For Java client API I think JMS should be our primary focus.

I'm quite fond of qpid::messaging.  I would like to see us (QPID) continue to 
support this api and evolve it.  For multi-language support, I think we should 
leverage swig as is done by Messenger today.  However, I'd recommend that we 
provide only a direct mapping of the API into the target language rather than 
create a more complex swig wrapper that tries to make this API more "native" to 
the language.  I wouldn't prevent this if someone would like to step up and own 
such an effort, but I think the additional testing and documentation of such a 
layer would require a larger investment of developer resources than a simple 
direct swig mapping.

I'm also a big fan of the Messenger client API.  However, I think we should 
develop Messenger as an alternative client API to qpid::messaging, focusing on 
use cases that are not necessarily well covered by the existing qpid::messaging 
API.  I think they complement each other nicely.  My biggest fear is that 
Messenger tries to become The One Client API for Every Problem, and in the 
process actually becomes The Bloated Mess that Everyone Hates.  I think we'd be 
much better off if we can separate the problem spaces these two client APIs 
attempt to address, and clearly communicate these differences so that users can 
find the right API for their particular use cases (example: connection oriented 
vs message oriented).

We should not promote Engine (in either flavor) as a _client_ api.  It requires 
way too much familiarity with AMQP 1.0 and thus it has a learning curve that is 
not appropriate for a client API.  We _should_ be promoting Engine as the AMQP 
1.0 toolkit for building things like client api's (and brokers, switches, 
services, etc), but definitely not a client API.  I'd even go further and 
recommend splitting the Engine API into its own proper library separate from 

Finally, I think we should take an active role in promoting this new 
experimental, community-led APIs that you mentioned.  To be clear, I'm not 
advocating that we (QPID) _support_ them, but I think we should add links to 
them directly from our QPID web site, along side the links to Messenger and 
qpid::messaging.  Of course, the web page should make it clear that these are 
non-QPID projects, and users should contact the developers directly for fixes, 
questions, etc.  The important thing about these efforts is that they have the 
potential to become The Next Big Thing for some subset of the AMQP user base - 
think of them as 'incubator projects'.  If one or more of them really take off, 
we could pursue having them become proper QPID sub projects.  In other words, 
there's a potential for a real benefit from these that requires a minimum 
effort from us (links on our web page).



- Original Message -
> From: "Gordon Sim" 
> To:
> Cc:
> Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2014 9:48:15 AM
> Subject: Client APIs and AMQP 1.0 (was Re: Using the messenger API to connect 
> to a server without sending or
> subscribing)
> On 04/28/2014 10:21 PM, Gordon Sim wrote:
> > On 04/23/2014 05:17 PM, Fraser Adams wrote:
> >> BTW I wouldn't want to come across as favouring proton Messenger or
> >> qpid::messaging over the other, as I said previously they are peer APIs
> >> with different advantages and disadvantages,
> >
> > I'd certainly agree they both have different disadvantages :-) The
> > picture faced by users looking for AMQP 1.0 clients is still confusing
> > and suboptimal.
> To elaborate a little more, here is my summary of the current AMQP 1.0
> client choices. I think this is a topic that would benefit from some
> (more) discussion and debate.
> If you are using java the most obvious option is JMS, the one well
> established API in messaging! It will be even better when the new
> implementation with JMS 2 support comes along, bring simplification as
> well as new features such as proper asynchronous publishing. Any
> confusion here is really transitory.
> If JMS doesn't fit for whatever reason, chances are the next option
> considered will be proton, messenger or engine, available in different
> languages: proton-j, proton-c and swigged versions of proton-c. An
> increasing number of different things use proton to provide AMQP 1.0
> support in one way or another.
> I do think the inclusion of the two APIs in the same library continues
> to be a source of confusion. Whatever the original or ultimate vision
> is, they are at present quite different things. I also feel that by
> being coupled together, both are held back a little from pursuing their
> own distinctive goals.
> The engine has been used relatively successfully in qpid::messaging,
> qpidd and dispatch router already. The java variant has been used by
> ActiveMQ and HornetQ and by the ongoing JMS work. It's reasonably
> complete in terms of providing acce