What you're seeing is actually a bug. The credentials shouldn't be sent
over the wire in your scenario. If you're using trunk you can work around
this by specifying the username/password in the routing configuration
rather than setting it directly in the address, e.g.:

messenger.route("amqp://%/*", "amqp://user:password@$1/$2")


On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 3:53 PM, Sergey 'Jin' Bostandzhyan <j...@mediatomb.cc
> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am new to proton/qpid, so I am not sure if I am doing this right or if
> it is a general problem, maybe someone can point me into the right
> direction.
> I was testing sending and receiving messages to the Azure service, I was
> using the proton send and recv examples. It worked well, however there is
> one issue. I am putting my message into the queue using:
> send -a amqps://user:password@service
> And reading the messages using:
> recv amqps://anotheruser:anotherpassword@service
> The problem is - the receiver gets the full address line in the incoming
> message - and this contains the user and password of the sender. So
> basically,
> the receiver gets full credentials of the sender along with the message.
> I did not find another way to pass the login/pw, so my question is:
> what is the correct way to set login/pw when sending a message? How can I
> make sure that credentials are not passed to the receiver of the message?
> Kind regards,
> Jin

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