On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 00:39, Arjen Nienhuis <a.g.nienh...@gmail.com>wrote:

> But it's not empty POST bodies as it's only added if params != "".

Safari had this bug with all Ajax POST requests.

> By accident I stored the extra parameter in the database of my webapp.
> I have 20000 of them in one table. None of them have a value other
> than the empty string(*). That's why I know that the workaround is no
> longer needed (or at least not that badly).

Prototype had this fix for years and you're the first one to report having
problems with it. This is because you shouldn't store all top-level
parameters as properties in a database. Much better practice is to nest a
parameters belonging to a record under a common key:


Every sensible backend will parse this as a nested hash/associative array,
then save only attributes found under "user". This allows you to have other
parameters in your application that serve for conveying some information,
but are not saved to a database. And of course, it would solve your
underscore problem.

More simply would just be deleting the parameter from the POST params

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