[Prototype-core] Re: Memory leak in IE; prototype version 1.5.1 and up. Caused by String.prototype.escapeHTML improvements

2008-05-04 Thread ggranum

On Begin Test: 22MB
prototype_1_5_1_1 ( as available for download )
Ten 10MiB Windows Open: 109MB
Ten windows after all closed: 105MB

prototype_1_5_1_1 ( with patch ):
Ten 10MiB Windows Open: 109MB
Ten windows after all closed: 48MB
Same main window, once more:
Ten 10MiB Windows Open: 109MB
Ten windows after all closed: 41MB
Same main window, once more:
Ten 10MiB Windows Open: 110MB
Ten windows after all closed: 61MB
Same main window, once more:
Ten 10MiB Windows Open: 112MB
Ten windows after all closed: 45MB

_prototype_1_5_1_1 (
Ten 10MiB Windows Open: 157MB
Ten windows after all closed: 109MB

Refreshing the window doesn't increase the memory for me, either. I
would guess this has more to do with how IE refreshes ( e.g. not very
deeply ). That is a hypothesis, not a statement; I have no idea how IE
deeply IE refreshes.

It looks like the 1.5 with patch is good; the fluctuations seem to
have more to do with IE not being aggressive with the clean up.
Watching the memory decrease on each window close, sometimes it would
drop 4MB, sometimes 12MB, and all numbers in between. If Drip is
seeing a real leak it is at least a small leak; not something that
refers back to the window object itself, causing NOTHING to be
unloaded. Ah, IE. Can I tell you how glad I am Sun won that MS J++
lawsuit?  If there were a JVM with a GC this bad I'd... I'd take up
landscaping or something. Having NO GC is better than a GC that uses a
random number generator to collect objects.

The 1.6 version is collecting more than 1.5 was before the patch, but
there is still obviously something hanging out. I wonder if the
garbage collection you do in prototype is cleaning up all (well,
_nearly_ all) the objects created on init, but all the primary objects
that live in window scope are still living in memory because IE thinks
the window still exists? I don't know how many objects are created
after the script itself is done loading, so I'm pretty much in the
dark here. Hmm. And perhaps on a refresh, IE knows it can delete the
window? Or just rebuild the structure on the same window object it was
using previously, thus replacing the objects, not adding more.

I didn't have all that great of luck with Drip when I tried it on our
full app. Sometimes it showed hundreds of leaks, sometimes 4 or five,
and those would be like a frame object pointing to a blank.htm file.
Always for the same action. I don't take it personally. Drip is at
what, version 0.5? Impressive stuff.

Thanks again,
Geoff  Granum

On May 3, 6:37 pm, John-David Dalton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Thanks for the tests Geoff,

 I have uploaded them here:http://protolific.net/memory_leak_testcase.zip

 I patched the Prototyep 1.5.1 file.
 There is a second file named _prototype_1_5_1.js which is my latest
 git version compiles (so it is really with the patch in it
 is as well.

 I still get the memory leak with both patched versions.
 I think it has more to do with the number of nested frames than it
 does with String#escapeHTML. When I close the child window the memory
 usage drops down (I am using the windows task manager and looking at
 the IE process). When I refresh the child window the memory usage does
 not increase (this shows that maybe its not a leak).

 However, Drip suggests the the memery is never released.Wwhen
 refreshing the child window in drip it stair steps the memory usage.
 This may just be a Drip bug.

 In your 1 MB leak example you load Prototype js 4 times - 1000kb/4 =
 250kb per page instance.(you have a body page without Prototype as
 well that is propbably using up some of that memory as well)

 Can you try the tests that I have linked to and confirm that the
 memory spike is still an issue with the patches applied (maybe check
 the patch to see if it's applied write).

 - JDD
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[Prototype-core] Memory leak in IE; prototype version 1.5.1 and up. Caused by String.prototype.escapeHTML improvements

2008-05-02 Thread ggranum

We are seeing a very large memory leak in IE ( 6 7 and 8) when we open
and close dialog windows from within our application. I narrowed it
down to the following code change from version 1.5.0 to 1.5.1:

if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit || Prototype.Browser.IE)
Object.extend(String.prototype, {
  escapeHTML: function() {
return this.replace(//g,'amp;').replace(//g,'lt;').replace(//
  unescapeHTML: function() {
return this.replace(/amp;/g,'').replace(/lt;/g,'').replace(/
// some other code here, unrelated
/* Begin memory leak for IE */
Object.extend(String.prototype.escapeHTML, {
  div:  document.createElement('div'),
  text: document.createTextNode('')

with (String.prototype.escapeHTML) div.appendChild(text);
/* End memory leak. */

Now, in our local version of prototype.js, I simply changed the code
to the following:
if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit || Prototype.Browser.IE)
Object.extend(String.prototype, {

escapeHTML: function()
return this.replace(//g, 'amp;').replace(//g,
'lt;').replace(//g, 'gt;');
unescapeHTML: function()
return this.replace(/amp;/g, '').replace(/lt;/g,
'').replace(/gt;/g, '');

Object.extend(String.prototype.escapeHTML, {
div:  document.createElement('div'),
text: document.createTextNode('')

with ( String.prototype.escapeHTML ) div.appendChild(text);

If anyone can see a problem with the fix I would love to hear it, as
we MUST fix this leak. It looked to me like IE is not actually using
the div and text element trick and is instead using a simple
replacement expression, so I simply didn't do the div work for IE

The window seems to hold on to all references on page unload. It is
pretty impressive; an empty window which imported our javascript files
and prototype would use about 1.2MB on each open/close. In active use
we see IE at over 500MB in less than half an hour. With the fix, which
hasn't been heavily tested yet, IE7 hangs out around a hundred megs.

I see this memory leak all the way up to version, though I
have only tested and seen the leak on versions, 1.5.1 and

Thanks much,
Geoff Granum

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[Prototype-core] Re: Memory leak in IE; prototype version 1.5.1 and up. Caused by String.prototype.escapeHTML improvements

2008-05-02 Thread ggranum

I was wondering if some of the code I saw in the upcoming
milestone might have addressed this. I should have mentioned that,

The tentative fix I outlined above doesn't seem to leak; the original
leak was *very* obvious due to the number of nested frames in the
child window that were using prototype. As in, ten or more MB per
window open/close, every time.

I'm out the door in a moment here, so I can't write a new testcase
right now but I'll outline and try to implement it tomorrow:

a.) create an application-like window that uses prototype - ours used
a (nested) frameset to hold the navigation bar,  button bar, body and
footer (yes, we ARE moving away from frames, why?).
b.) a button on the button bar uses an onclick event to manually open
a window. Bonus points if you store the new window in a manager and
delete it after the window closes ( this was done to bring the window
to focus on a second click of the button ).
c.) The child window will have frames. To make the leak really
obvious, nest some frames and have them all use a large JS file
d.) Open and close the child window in IE, taking note of the memory
usage in Windows Task Manager.

Profiling tools such as Drip miss this _in our application_. Since we
use ( a large number of ) frames, it's hard to say if it misses the
leak, or is breaking on the frames.

What I see after the above fix ( which I get the impression would not
be wise to release?) is a spike in memory from about 80MB on the full
load of the web app, to about 150 peak, with the usage bouncing around
100/110 and spiking on many fast page changes. After about ten seconds
idle IE will free up 10 or so MB. After another 20 seconds it will
free up the rest, dropping back to the fresh load state.

Before the above fix every child window open/close was about 12MB.
Sitting idle did nothing to drop memory usage. Navigating entirely
away (e.g. google, about:blank ) didn't even flush the memory. 500MB,
750MB. It was pretty easy to ramp it up. On a lesser machine I'm sure
it would be incredibly painful. Having 4GB of RAM I managed to miss
the leak entirely for quite a while.

Thank you both very much for the incredible response. That you have
already looked at the code in question and tried to create a testcase
is bloody impressive. I will see about getting you a repro tomorrow.

On May 2, 3:30 pm, John-David Dalton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Patch addresses the memory 

 Patch addresses other issues with escapeHTML and 

 Unit tests for the 

 I think there may be other places where we attach elements, I will see
 if I can duplicate this over the weekend.

 - JDD
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