For a widget of mine I needed to a group of li elements to assign a
multiple events (note this is just part of the code so 'this'
reference to the widget:

revision 1:
var li = $$('#main li.views');
                el.observe('mousedown', this.onpress.bind(this));

                el.observe('mouseup', this.onrelease.bind(this));

revision 2: this as you see is long and dirty, so I rewrite it to be
more shorter and cleaner
$$('#main li.views').invoke('observe', 'mousedown',
this.onpress.bind(this)).invoke('observe', 'mouseup',

revision 3: I decided revision 2 wasn't beautiful enough, so I
extended Element.Methods

        multiobserve: function(element, events)
                element = $(element);

                for(var ev in events)
                        element.observe(ev, events[ev]);

                return element;

and a write this

$$('#main li.views').invoke('multiobserve',
        mousedown: this.onpress.bind(this),
        mouseup: this.onrelease.bind(this)

Note: I thought to do something like that:
        observe: Event.observe.wrap(function (wrapper, element, eventName,
                if (!handler)
                        for(var ev in eventName)
                                Event.observe(element, ev, eventName[ev]);

                        return $(element);

                return wrapper(element, eventName, handler);
but I didn't want to extend the base observe method

Hope to be helpful for some one.

p.s. I haven't tried the trick from here (
) to write
$$('#main li.views').multiobserve(
        mousedown: this.onpress.bind(this),
        mouseup: this.onrelease.bind(this)

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