
I've recently started using prototype 1.5 or a large project.  It's
been a great experience so far.

As I've been developing, I noticed that many times exceptions raised
by errors in my code (such as, say, trying to use some property of a
null object, etc.) would not show up in my javascript console (I am
using Firebug).  More troubling were exceptions that the code
explicitly threw that also mysteriously vanished.

I just worked around this for a while by interspersing console.log
statements at key places in the code I was working on, but I
eventually became curious about why errors would sometimes appear and
other times not.

I looked more closely at prototype.js and found 3 empty catch blocks
(Try.these, Ajax.Responders.dispatch, Event.stopObserving).  The one
that was affecting me was in dispatch().  I found that
Ajax.Request.dispatchException() invokes Responders.dispatch for
onException callbacks, so I added

   Ajax.Responders.register({ onException: function(req, e) { throw
e; } });

to my code, but the empty catch block in Ajax.Responders.dispatch()
catches all exceptions raised by responders and discards them.  I
tried editing dispatch() to always throw errors that it catches;
afterwards exceptions successfully appear in my console.

I'm using this workaround now:

  Ajax.Responders.register({ onException: function(req, e)
{ console.log(e); } });

and it works well for me.

I wanted to relate this experience to you because I feel that the
empty catch block in dispatch() (I can't comment on the others),
violates the "principle of least surprise".  I expected (and perhaps I
shouldn't have?) uncaught exceptions to show up in my console and stop
execution since this is the default behavior.  Perhaps there are
strong reasons for choosing to use an empty catch block in dispatch(),
but if there are not I would suggest allowing exceptions raised by
responders to be thrown, or at least to do something like this
(admittedly ugly) compromise:

dispatch: function(callback, request, transport, json) {
    var dispatched = false, exception = null;
    this.each(function(responder) {
      if (typeof responder[callback] == 'function') {
        try {
          responder[callback].apply(responder, [request, transport,
          dispatched = true;
        } catch (e) { exception = e; }
    if (!dispatched && exception && (callback == 'onException'))
{ throw exception; }

Thanks for developing such a useful library.

Best wishes,


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