FYI, Custom Search has been around for about a year.

Just because its on digg doesn't make it new.

Certainly, props for the good intention.

On Sep 7, 5:15 pm, kangax <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, guys.
> As you all might know google just released a custom search engine.
> We are also aware of the state of prototype documentation and lack of
> decent tutorials.
> I rolled a quick custom engine for prototype.
> The sites included in search are official api reference and relevant
> scriptaculous wiki section.
> There are also refinements corresponding to versions "1.5", "1.5.1",
> "1.6" and "Internet Explorer" (I have a feeling it will be the most
> popular one)
> I haven't looked much into the settings but results seem to be quite
> relevant.
> Would it make sense to link to it from the official website?
> Any thoughts, ideas?
> Cheers,
> kangax

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