I had to build a dynamic form and I liked the "new Element" approach .... so
I hacked together a litte protoype.ext script which allowed it for me...

A very important thing, IMO, is to provide Insertion (bottom, top, before,
after) for dom content (Insertion.* works ony for text)

The script (tested in IE7 & FF2):
var _Element = Element;

Element =  function(tag, attributes, childs) {
        if(!!attributes &&
            (typeof attributes == 'string' || typeof attributes == 'number'
            attributes.nodeType == 1 || typeof attributes.length !=
            childs = attributes;
            attributes = {};
        var el =
|| {});
        if(childs) el.insert(childs);
        return el;

Object.extend(Element, _Element);

Abstract.Insertion.prototype._initialize =
Abstract.Insertion.prototype.initialize = function(element, content) {
    this.element = $(element);
    if(typeof content == 'number') this._initialize(element,
    else if(typeof content == 'string') this._initialize(element, content);
    else this.insertContent([content].flatten());

    insert: function(element, child, position) {
        var pos = (position || 'bottom').capitalize();
        new Insertion[pos](element, child);
        return element;
    injectInto: function(element, destination, position) {
        $(destination).insert(element, position);
        return element;
    insertBefore: function(element, newSibling) {
        return $(element).insert(newSibling, 'before');
    insertAfter: function(element, newSibling) {
        return $(element).insert(newSibling, 'after');
    insertTop: function(element, child) {
        return $(element).insert(child, 'top');
    writeAttributes: function(element, attributes) {
        element = $(element);
        for (var att in attributes)
            element[att] = attributes[att];
        return element;

Element.TAGS = "a abbr acronym address applet area b base basefont bdo big
blockquote body " +
      "br button caption center cite code col colgroup dd del dfn dir div dl
dt em fieldset " +
      "font form frame frameset h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 head hr html i iframe img
input ins isindex "+
      "kbd label legend li link map menu meta noframes noscript object ol
optgroup option p "+
      "param pre q s samp script select small span strike strong style sub
sup table tbody td "+
      "textarea tfoot th thead title tr tt u ul var";

Element.create = function(tag, attributes, childs) {
    return new Element(tag, attributes, childs);

Element.Builder = Class.create();
    initialize: function(tags) {
        this.tags = tags || Element.TAGS;

        $w(this.tags).each(function(tag) {
              this[tag] = Element.create.bind(this, tag);


It allows you to do things  like:

var x = new Element('div').addClassName('test'); // Creates new div element
and adds a classname
$('myelement').insert(x); // appends the element in "myelement"

$('myelement').insert(new Element('h1'), 'top'); // Invokes Insertion.Top

var html = new Element.Builder();

with(html) {
var node = ul({className: 'test'}, [ li('First'), li('Second'),
li('third')]).hide().injectInto(document.body, 'top');
new Effect.Appear(node);


brgds, sigi

On 2/6/07, Andrew Dupont <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 6, 3:40 pm, "Martin Ström" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > What do you other guys think, are you interested in a patch with test
> > or would it just be a waste of time? :)
> Martin, I like your implementation a lot (especially the
> Element.writeAttributes idea, which I think should be added no matter
> what) but it's missing two things I like most about Dan Webb's
> DOMBuilder:
> * Tags as method names.  Much easier to do x.DIV(foo, bar) than to do
> new Element("div", foo, bar).
> * Easy nesting (like "x.DIV( x.P ( x.SPAN() ) )").  DOMBuilder
> responds differently based on the number and types of arguments
> passed.
> I think both these things are critical, or else there's little
> advantage over the native DOM methods.  Others may feel differently,
> though.
> >

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