If setting the expando to a function, rather than a boolean, prevents
it from persisting when it should not, then that's fantastic.  It'd
also solve the similar problem where cloned nodes say they're extended
but are not.  Write a patch!


On Feb 8, 12:05 pm, "Mislav Marohnić" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Two days ago I closed tickets #7497 and #7376. Both sample scripts exhibited
> the same behavior in IE: after some interaction they fail because
> Element.Method methods are invoked on an *extended* node, but still are not
> found.
> This took me a while to figure out (thanks Joe for Firebug Lite) - suppose
> you have a document:
>   <div id="test">
>     <div id="elly">I'm magical!</div>
>   </div>
> If you use $('elly') somewhere in your JavaScript then "elly" would get
> extended, right? Prototype sets the obscure property "_extended" to true.
> Now, suppose you do some string arithmetics after that to add some HTML:
>   $('test').innerHTML += "<span>I'm a span!</span>"
> Notice the operator. This call "rewrites" content in "test" (including
> "elly") and adds a SPAN to the end.
> But "elly" is still the same element, right? It remained unchanged? WRONG.
>   $('elly')._extended // -> true
>   $('elly').show // -> yeah, you wish. ALL added methods are lost
> So, method properties are gone, but "_extended" property remained.
> Element.extend() never re-applies Element.Method on the node because it
> thinks it is already extended.
> Workaround? Easy. When we extend a specific element, we shouldn't set
> "_extended" to a boolean "true", but to some function:
>   element._extended = Prototype.emptyFunction
> Now when all methods are wiped from the element, "_extended" property will
> be wiped, too, giving Element.extend() a chance to re-apply DOM extensions.
> --http://dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/7497

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