
Well Ok, I've used setTimeout a few times in my code to delay resuming
run of a code module until Ajax.Request() has had time to do its
thing.   And the use of the timer is cyclic as the user may repeat the
operation over and over again, but in different parts of the page.

And ...  holy spacetime wormhole continuum out of wack batman!  Why is
that timer firing off so quickly?   What in the wide wide world of
sports is go'n on?

Robin, haven't you done a web search yet?   There's people complaining
about memory leaks with regard to timers?

Holy abscent minded browser batman!   Is it the setTimeout() function
causing the problem?

Damned if I know Robin, I only stomp on Penquins and Jokers, not
memory leaks and I'm not int he habit of waiting for anything, not
even queues at the bank when I cash my checks.

Holy Fast Food Diet out the window with Cheese, Fries and Shake
Batman!  What's the answer?

You weren't listening Robin ...  damned if I know.

Does anyone know?


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