
On Apr 13, 5:24 am, Gregory Nicholas <faction.greg...@gmail.com>
> If i setup an html link element to be observed, and then i
> subsequently remove the html element without calling stopObserving(),
> does that remove the observer? or does it create a leak of some sort?

It leaves the handler in memory, you do need to call stopObserving
first. The same thing happens if you remove an ancestor of an element
that has handlers still attached to it (e.g., div > form > input where
you have a handler on the input, and you remove the div).

Once or twice people have suggested that Prototype do it
automatically, but there are a couple of reasons why that's not a
great idea in practice, so those proposals haven't had "legs."

T.J. Crowder
Independent Software Consultant
tj / crowder software / com

On Apr 13, 5:24 am, Gregory Nicholas <faction.greg...@gmail.com>
> If i setup an html link element to be observed, and then i
> subsequently remove the html element without calling stopObserving(),
> does that remove the observer? or does it create a leak of some sort?
> Ex:
> $('logo').observe('click', function (e) {
>          e.stop();});
> // remove the html element w/o stopObserving
> $('logo').remove ();

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