you can observe the window to load and  set a timeout to execute Effect.Fade


----- Original Message ----- 
To: "Prototype &" <>
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2008 2:34 PM
Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Setting a <div> to "decay" on page load?

> Not quite sure how to phrase this.  I am a new scriptaculous user, I
> am comfortable using scriptaculous and prototype when I use the demos
> as a basis for what I am doing.  However, I am working on adding ajax
> capabilities into a CMS that I have built.  In some instances I have
> set a <div> with a "notification" value after posting a form etc...
> How would I set a "decay" time on this <div> using scriptaculous so
> that it gradually fades to display: none after the initial page load?
> Is ther an onLoad ability?
> Thanks,
> Ryan
> >

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