Hi guys,

I'm learning the prototype library after coming from jQuery, and I'm
trying to write a simple snippet that opens external links in a new

This doesn't seem to work in Firefox, or Safari, and I'm not sure what
I'm doing wrong here,

I'm sure it's something really obvious, but I've been staring at this
code for so long now that I've effecitvely gone snow blind.

Can anyone help?

I'm using prototype, and I'm on a mac.

// goal - select all external links and onclick, open that link in a
new window, in an unobtrusive manner

var openNewWindow = function(element) {
        element.observe('click', function() {window.open(element.href);} );

// begin constructing regexp that makes any url with the host domain
in it, and with the optional www prefix
var internalUrl = "/" + "(www)?" + document.location.hostname + "/";

// turn string into regexp to match against
var pattern = eval(internalUrl);

// reject all links whose href matches the host domain regexp defined
filteredResult = result.reject(function(e) {
            return e.href.match(pattern);

add onclick handler each member of the array of remaining links

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