
I am not that proficient with these scripts and can't seem to work out
details so the script works smoothly.

The idea is when  you rollover the main navigation blocks, (events,
advocacy, community, marketplace, local wic)  a blind down occurs that
contains the submenu items. This part works for the most part,
although if you move around on the page too much, the scripts gets
stuck. If you leave the the top navigation block, and also the
submenus that appeared with the blind down, they need to blind up.

In addition to the script not working smoothly, when you go between
any of the elements in the main nav (events and advocacy for example),
there is a small margin between the links and the blind down restarts.
This is not good at all. I can't figure out how to correct.

The site is posted at: http://02db79b.netsolhost.com/

the script on the main nav block is:  onmouseover="Effect.BlindDown
('subnavsrollover');; return false;"
right now I dont' have a onmouseout on the script, thought I would
work out this part first. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.


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