
<%= link_to_remote 'click here', :update=>'some_div', :url=>
{:action=>'some'}, :submit=>'group' %>
is what I want to implement using  Ajax.updater.

To do this I coded ( it is invoked when I clicked some link or button,
whatever )
new Ajax.Updater('some_div', url(:action=>'some'),
      { parameters: $('group').serialize(true), method: 'get'} );

group div looks like below:
<div id="group">
  <%= radio_button_tag(:myvalue, 1 %>
  <%= radio_button_tag(:myvalue, 2 %>

on the controller's 'some' looks like below
def some
   if params[:myvalue] == blah blah

if i use link_to_remote with submit options, it worked properly.
but in case of my code using Ajax.updater, params[:myvalue] is not set

What's wrong with me?
Somebody help me.


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