Hi, I'm working on a site where I have it load the page, and then I
have a content box containing a textfield and customized scrollbar
(custom images,width, etc) for the field. I have multiple content
boxes and I used script.aculo.us to basically make them appear or fade
when the menu pics are clicked etc. This was great but then I wanted
to make them all hidden when the page loads, and then have them shown
if you click the link. Like for news, you click it and the content box
for news shows up. The problem I am having is that when I set the
display for the div with id ContentBox to display=none since prototype
uses display for show/hide/appear/fade I thought that would work fine.
but it doesnt. I'm sure its a simple fix that I'm just not seeing.

What happens is, if I say for example:

window.onload = function() {


document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {

then it will hide it to begin with, but later on, even if it's right
after that, if I tell it to show, and use something like toggle, show,
appear... etc. what happens is, it shows the content box, but the text
field and scrollbar inside it are both hidden.

if I use the div specifically like:

it will still hide but once again it won't show when I tell it to show
or appear.

I know there must be a simple solution because when I say:
window.onload = function() {
it works when later on I tell it to show or appear.... just hide makes
it not work.

Also, I made a temporary solution by using iframes since I was already
using them for the gallery with my shadowbox. I used it for the
content box. I put them in an iframe positioned using a div in a
table. Works good except for 1 thing, when I use my scriptaculous
custom scrollbar, if my mouse goes outside of the frame/table (one of
the 2 not sure exactly but) then it no longer is observing when I
mouseup... so that when I bring the mouse back into the frame, it will
then act as if I was still mousedown and scroll the scrollbar as I
move the mouse up and down which is terrible. I don't mind using the
frames, it would make editing easy because each content window could
be a separate little html file, but at the same time I can't seem to
figure out how to fix this either. My attempts at both have failed so
now I'm asking for some help, thanks :)

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