I've been struggling to achieve something with drag and drop. I've
found a solution, but I don't think it's very elegant, and I was
wondering if anybody has a better solution.

I'm dragging an object from one box to another. If it is a suitable
dropsite, it fires off an Ajax request to update the database and
several parts of the display (including the dropsite).  But it is
possible that the operation will not be permitted, in which case the
Ajax returns a failure code and a message, and the object hasn't been
moved in the database.

So far so good. But I want the drag to revert not only if the user
doesn't find a suitable dropsite, but also if the Ajax operation
returns failure. On the other hand, if the Ajax operation succeeds, I
don't want it to revert. (It will only be for a moment before the box
is redrawn, but it doesn't look good).

The workround I've implemented is to hide the element before issuing
the Ajax call, and show it again in the failure callback, but not in
the success one; so the user won't see it reverting in the latter
case. But it means the object you've moved disappears for a moment,
which is not very good.

Is there a better solution? I wondered if there was a way to use a
function in the 'revert' option of the Draggable, or to use the onEnd
of the Draggable or onDrop of the Droppable. But none of these have
access to the Draggable, only to the dragged element, so I would have
to write my own revert. In any case, there doesn't seem to be a
callable default 'revert' function in Draggable: I would expect there
to be one, so that you can provide a callback which does some other
processing and then calls the default.

I see that there was a discussion on similar lines last September, but
the recommendation there seemed to be to do the checking client-side.
That is possible, but would mean that much more data would need to be
downloaded, so I prefer to do it on the server.

Any suggestions?

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