
i am having a pretty basic problem, i think.

In a website i have an ajax menu which loads new content in a
Some of these containers use prototype based libraries (e.g.

Since these libraries initialize "their" elements onload, the new
elements are not initialized and don´t react like i wish them to.
Means: When i click on a lightwindow-link the lightwindow doesn´t open
but the "normal" link is opened.

How do i reinitialize those libraries?

Here is my function:
navigation = function(id,type){
  var url = 'index.php';
  var container = 'content';

  if( id=='' ){
    var id = '7';

  var pars = 'id='+id+'&type='+type;

  var element = $('loading');
  new Effect.Appear(element);

  new Ajax.Request(url+"?"+pars,{
    onSuccess: function (transport) {

    myLightWindow = new lightwindow(); // i thought this would do it -
but it doesn´t ...

    var data = transport.responseText;
    new Effect.Fade(container, { afterFinish: function () {
      new Effect.Appear(container);
      new Effect.Fade(element);

I hope anyone can help me with this.


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