Hi again,

I'm working on a little project that lets users create (very) simple 
websites. On his site the user can add sections (like a text or a big image 
or a video) one below the other. Each section can be edited by clicking a 
link underneath the section. So to structure my code, and give me some 
convenience for later work, I copied and modified prototype's 
class-implementation so that a class created with my implementation can 
[optionally] be passed a DOM-object as parameter, which will be extended 
with a set of methods and properties of the class. That means I can create a 
class for a section and instantiate it passing it a section-DOM-Object. That 
section-object has all functions it needs to have to be edited right 
attached to it.
That allows me to structure my code in a very OOP-like manner, seeing 
DOM-Objects as instances of my classes. Also I can still query the DOM-Tree 
the Prototype way and perform actions on it (like 
One trap I of course had to work around is name-conflicts, because I'm 
extending with up to 10 methods and properties. I just prefixed my names 
with rb (like $$('.section').first.rbEdit()). It's ugly, but it works.

What do you think of such a structure? Sounds ok? Sounds problematic?

All feedback is very appreciated :)


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