Hello All, I have just joined this group and it's my first post. I
will like to thank the community for coming up with such a powerful

I am using new Ajax.Autocompleter in one of script and it works fine.
I am using it in a input text box, in which, user types in the search
term and back end script queries the database to get a result set and
suggested items get shown as a list in input text box.

When the suggested items show up as list in my input text box, when I
press enter/tab key, a single list item gets selected. However, to
submit this item, I have to press enter key again. In short, I need to
hit enter twice in order to submit the list item. I will like if this
action is done in a single hit of enter key.

I tried using some JavaScript hacks to submit the form on enter key
but I think scriptaculus is over riding it. Is this the case? Is there
any way to make this work with just single enter key?



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