Well U Better Stick 2One Library, & Personally  i think JQUERY will
satisfy u anyway,  It has a lot of features and got amazin'
community .
Otherwise U could stick to Prototype hard codin' =)


On Sep 5, 12:16 pm, Nelson Hernandez <nels...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the fast response and information.  I didn't understand how
> prototype, jquery, mootools, and dojo were extending javascript
> differently, I get it a little better now.  Since I have both jquery
> and prototype used in my project, i was able to accomplish my task
> with the following code so that they play nicely together:
> <script type="text/javascript">
> $(document).ready(function(){
>         $j=     jQuery.noConflict();
>         $j('.bio_button').click(function(event) {
>         $j('.bio').hide();
>                 var element = Event.element(event);
>                 var id = element.id.substring(0,element.id.length-1);
>                 var idt = document.getElementById(id)
>                 $j(idt).show();
>  });});
> </script>
> Thanks for your help !  It would have taken me forever to figure it
> out without it.  It would be cool if there were a language translator
> between these javascript extensions.
> -Nelson
> On Aug 31, 3:22 am, "T.J. Crowder" <t...@crowdersoftware.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > > $(document).ready(function(){
> > >  $(".bio_button").click(function(event) {   //when a user clicks on
> > Both of those look like jQuery, not Prototype.  Prototype's equivalent
> > of the jQuery ready function is the dom:loaded event[1]:
> >     document.observe('dom:loaded', yourCallbackGoesHere);
> > Similarly, $()[2] looks up elements by ID, it does not search for them
> > by selector.  $$()[3] does that.
> > It may be worth your taking a step back and reading the Prototype API
> > [4] through from beginning to end.  It takes about an hour, and will
> > save you at least that much time across the life of your project
> > (heck, probably even in the coming week).
> > [1]http://prototypejs.org/api/document/observe
> > [2]http://prototypejs.org/api/utility/dollar
> > [3]http://prototypejs.org/api/utility/dollar-dollar
> > [4]http://prototypejs.org/api
> > HTH,
> > --
> > T.J. Crowder
> > tj / crowder software / comwww.crowdersoftware.com
> > On Aug 31, 1:48 am, Nelson Hernandez <nels...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I have a very simple script that is intended to show an employees
> > > biography on click, and hide all other biography's (since they occupy
> > > the same space).  I have two issues I can't resolve, and for the life
> > > of me can't figure out why.  I'm using Ruby on Rails and I have
> > > included the default javascrip which includes Prototype.  I'm testing
> > > in FireFox.
> > > Here's the code with comments for reference, exact problems detailed
> > > below:
> > > <script type="text/javascript">
> > > $(document).ready(function(){
> > >  $(".bio_button").click(function(event) {   //when a user clicks on
> > > div with class bio_button, do:
> > >                 $(".bio").hide();                    //hide all divs that 
> > > have a
> > > class of "bio"
> > >                 var element = Event.element(event);    //get the div id 
> > > for the
> > > element clicked
> > >                 var id = element.id.substring(0,element.id.length-1);   
> > > //remove the
> > > last letter of that div id, which
> > >                                                                           
> > >                    //
> > > corresponds to the div which contains the
> > >                                                                           
> > >                    //
> > > biography text
> > >                 //alert(id);                  //used to make sure the 
> > > substring was
> > > working, it is.
> > >                 $(id).show();         //this doesn't work for some reason 
> > > HELP,
> > > please :(
> > >  });});
> > > </script>
> > > ...
> > > <div class="bio_button" id="timB">click to show Tims bio</div>
> > > <div class="bio_button" id="bethB">click to show Beths bio</div>
> > > ...
> > > <div class="bio" id="tim" style="display:none;">tim's awesome
> > > biography</div>
> > > <div class="bio" id="beth" style="display:none;">beth's awesome
> > > biography</div>
> > > PROBLEM(s) (using a click on tim as example):
> > > 1) The above does indeed hide all bio's, and will output an alert of
> > > "tim" if I click on tim.  However, it won't change the display style
> > > to show.
> > > 2) In the javascript, if I replace $(id).show(); with $("tim").show();
> > > it still doesn't work....unless I use tim as one of the class
> > > definitions in the html instead of a div id.  If I specify tim as a
> > > class, and use "tim" explicitly in the javascript, it works perfectly.
> > > Sorry if this is the wrong forum, i'm losing my mind over what seems
> > > should be very simple.  Thanks to anyone that can help.
> > > -Nelson

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