Hi TJ,

I'm Jose's partner. The thing I don't understand is why we can recover
memory after creating any other kind of object, but not with DOM
elements. For example, this memory is recovered after destroying the
object: (http://pastie.org/1247004)
var TestClass = Class.create({
    initialize: function() {
        this.options = {
                        bigString: new Array(1000).join(new 
    destroy: function() {
        alert('before destroy');
        this.options = null;
        alert('after destroy');

function execute2(){
    var myObject = new TestClass();

But the same code, trying to destroy Element objects is not working in
some cases.

Example 1: memory is recovered when using new Element and not
inserting anything inside: (http://www.pastie.org/1247025)
var TestClass = Class.create({
    initialize: function() {
        this.options = {
                        array: $A()

                for(var i=0; i<3000; i++){
                        var element = new Element("div");

    destroy: function() {
        alert('before destroy');
                for(var i=0; i<this.options.array.size(); i++){
                delete this.options.array;
        delete this.options;
        alert('after destroy');

By the way, it doesn't matter if we nullify every element in the array
or not, as you said before. That's a good thing to know :-)
In this example we recover only half of the memory, but that's not a
problem. If we execute this same code some more times this "extra"
memory doesn't increase.
We test these things using sIEve (http://home.orange.nl/jsrosman/). We
can see there that the number of DOM nodes that are being used is back
to normal after destroying the object.

Example 2 (http://www.pastie.org/1247055): memory is NOT recovered:
var TestClass = Class.create({
    initialize: function() {
        this.options = {
                        array: $A()

                for(var i=0; i<3000; i++){
                        var element = new Element("div").insert("test code");

    destroy: function() {
        alert('before destroy');
                for(var i=0; i<this.options.array.size(); i++){
                delete this.options.array;
        delete this.options;
        alert('after destroy');

function execute2(){
    var myObject = new TestClass();

Here the only difference is that the nodes we insert have text inside:
var element = new Element("div").insert("test code");
Now we can see that memory is not freed, and that the number of nodes
used after being destroyed is 6000. (they are not being freed, like if
something was referencing them).

Do you have any idea why is this happening? I believe that if we at
least can free this nodes in this simple example we could understand
why they are not being freed in our big application.
I'm guessing that it could be related to:
- Something in the initialize of element class (we add the element to
some cache)
- Something in the insert method
- References that are being stored in each element (to its parent and
child nodes) make it impossible for IE to remove them from memory.

Again, thanks a lot for your help!
Kind regards,

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