[Proto-Scripty] Form.Serialize issue in Firefox 3.5

2009-05-18 Thread luellaj99

I am experiencing a problem with the Form.Serialize in Firefox 3.5. (I
upgraded from Vers 2, because it wasn't working either!)  It's working
fine in Internet Explorer 7, but in Firefox it just hangs.

I've tried this with prototype version and Same

function queryRecord()
//  document.write(Hit Query record);
// var params = Form.serialize('contact_form');
 var params = $('contact_form').serialize();
//  document.write(params);
  var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater('data_entry',
 {method: 'get', parameters: params});

The commented out lines are my attempts at de-bugging. I get the
expected results in IE, nothing in Firefox.
I'm guessing it's the Form.Serialize that's the issue, because it
never gets past that point in Firefox.

My form is pretty basic:

form enctype=multipart/form-data name=contact_form method=post

  . some fields .

 input type=button value=Save Contact onClick=insertRecord(); /

 input type=button value=Clear onClick=newRecord(); /
 input type=button value=Query onClick=queryRecord(); /


The other buttons are coded similarly, and have the exact same issue.

Any assistance you could give me would be greatly appreciated.


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[Proto-Scripty] Form.serialize issue

2008-09-21 Thread jason maina

Hi all,
Im trying to use form.serialize to harvest fields  their values but
it return null.

form has 1table with textboxes  a select element.

What could i be doing wrong?
Thank you in advance

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