
This is a question without an easy answer. From the browser's
perspective, when you update something with Ajax.Updater (or pretty
much any other way via manipulating the DOM), the *page* hasn't
changed -- and so the "back" button will take you back to where you
were before you went to that page in the first place. You need to
create an entry in the browser's history so it knows something
changed; and then you need to be notified if the history location
changes (e.g., the user clicked the back button) so you can update
your content to make it match the current location. This is called
"history" support.

This is harder than it sounds, and it has a lot of complications and
edge cases depending on what specific browser is involved. So you may
want a library to help you with this. Prototype doesn't have direct
support for history stuff (yet?). There's Really Simple History[1],
which is very good but at one point there was a problem with it with
Chrome. I just tried a simple test in Chrome and it worked fine, so it
may be that Chrome 1 or 2 didn't work with it but Chrome 2 or 3 does
or something (RSH hasn't changed since 2007). I expect there are
options other than RSH as well.

[1] http://code.google.com/p/reallysimplehistory/

T.J. Crowder
Independent Software Consultant
tj / crowder software / com

On Jan 22, 12:24 pm, Noppanit
<noppanit.charassinvic...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I am using Ajax.Update to change my page, like my page1 to page2. When
> I click the button on page1 it goes to page2. Is there a way to go
> back to page1 from page2?
> I know that's this is not the way that AJAX should work, but is there
> a chance to make this work?
> Thank you so much.

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