Hi everyone.  I think I found the issue and so I'm replying to my own
question in case someone else has the same issue.  Turns out that some
of our IE6 users didn't have all of the latest patches from Microsoft
including one that fixed jscript.dll. Found this page that was very
helpful - 
Apparently the users had an older version of the jscript.dll that was
causing the issues with any AJAX request.  Installing the patch or
upgrading the user to IE7 fixes the issue.  Thanks - FYI


On Jan 3, 8:27 pm, Vinny Carpenter <vscarpen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there.  I have an application that uses Ajax.Updater to render some
> data inside a div based on user input - This is fairly vanilla app
> using Prototype and the code of my simple page is listed here:
> http://gist.github.com/42983
> Now this Ajax.Updater call works correctly in IE 7, IE8 BETA, Firefox
> 2 and 3, Opera, Safari and even my iPhone safari browser :) but it
> does not work correctly in IE6.  Unfortunately I still have a few
> users that have IE6 on their desktops and I see 2 different types of
> behavior.  In one instance, the browser crashes when Ajax.Updater
> fires and in another instance, only part of the data is rendered.  I
> have Fiddler (HTTP debugging proxy) running and I see the entire
> payload delivered with an HTTP status of 200 but the browser chooses
> to render just part of it.  And so either the browser crashes or it
> doesn't work but the latest Prototype release does not seem like IE6.
> The data coming back is HTML form data with input fields, checkboxes
> and select boxes with some script data and I have evalScripts set to
> true.
> Is this a known issue?  Is there a fix or workaround for this?  I'd
> hate to revert back to an earlier version of Prototype and miss out on
> all the benefits of v1.6.0.3.  Any guidance would be greatly
> appreciated.  Thank you
> --Vinny
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