[Proto-Scripty] Re: Drag handle

2009-10-07 Thread Alex McAuley

Can you post your code please


Alex Mcauley

- Original Message - 
From: ferion fer...@gmx.de
To: Prototype  script.aculo.us prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 2:35 PM
Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Drag  handle

 Hello everybody,

 i'm using an Draggable Object, which gets handelt by an inner element
 via the handle parameter.
 This works perfectly.
 My Problem is, neither the onDrag nor the change Event get fired while
 i'm dragging. When i remove the handle, the event is fired.

 Where do i go wrong?


 Please excuse my lack of proper english. I'm not a native speaker.

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Drag handle

2009-10-07 Thread ferion

Sure thing.

The application ist a script with ca. 17.000 lines code, which is too
much to post.
The critical line is:

 this.Dragger = new Draggable($(this.widgetId),{handle: $
(this.widgetName+_dragger),  onStart:this.startDrag.bind(this),
onEnd:this.stopDrag.bind(this), starteffect:null, endeffect:null,
revert: this.shallIRevert.bind(this), change:this.whileDrag.bind

This Line is inheritaded in an Object structure, which works
perfectly. If ein remove the handle: change fires to this.whileDrag
whith the code above it wont fire.
I tried onDrag and change. Bothe behave likewise.

This ist the dynamical generated HTML of the widget (SAMPLE)

DIV style=Z-INDEX: 100; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 660px; HEIGHT:
434px; TOP: 524px; LEFT: 328px id=widget_LEBENSZIELE class=widget-big
DIV style=POSITION: absolute class=widgetarea 
className=widgetarea  undefined=position: absolute;
DIV class=shadowspacerx className=shadowspacerx
DIV class=shadowtop className=shadowtop/DIV
DIV class=shadowbottom className=shadowbottom/DIV/DIV
DIV class=shadowspacery className=shadowspacery
DIV class=shadowright className=shadowright/DIV
DIV class=shadowleft className=shadowleft/DIV/DIV
DIV class=shadowtopright className=shadowtopright/DIV
DIV class=shadowtopleft className=shadowtopleft/DIV
DIV class=shadowbottomleft className=shadowbottomleft/DIV
DIV class=shadowbottomright className=shadowbottomright/DIV
DIV id=widget_resize_LEBENSZIELE class=widgetmask
DIV class=widgetpane className=widgetpane/DIVIMG class=resize-
button src=img/widget/resize-button.gif width=11 height=11
DIV class=header className=header
DIV id=LEBENSZIELE_dragger class=title className=title
DIV class=buttons className=buttonsA class=close title=schließen
href=javascript:nil() className=close/AA class=help
title=Hilfe href=javascript:nil() className=help/AA
class=config title=Einstellungen href=javascript:nil()
className=config/AA class=maximize title=Maximieren
href=javascript:nil() className=maximize/A/DIV/DIV
DIV class=scrolltop className=scrolltop
DIVA class=scrollDeActive title=nach oben href=javascript:nil()
DIV class=scrollup-button className=scrollup-button/DIV/A/
DIV class=content className=content
DIV id=body_widget_LEBENSZIELE class=contentmask contentmask-medium
className=contentmask contentmask-medium
DIV class=scrollcontent className=scrollcontent
PDas Widget wird geladen/P/DIV/DIV/DIV
DIV class=scrollbottom className=scrollbottom
DIV class=arrow-container className=arrow-containerA
class=scrollDeActive title=nach unten href=javascript:nil()
DIV class=scrolldown-button className=scrolldown-button/DIV/A/
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